By Bobby DeJoy
Discovery of Rubidium Characteristics of Rubidium Source of Rubidium Uses of Rubidium Bibliography
It was discovered in 1861 by Robert Bunsen and Gustav Kirchhoff. It was discovered by spectroscopy when Bunsen and Kirchhoff were studying the mineral lepidolite.
Rubidium tends to react violently with water. Occasionally, Rubidium can also ignite in air. When held over a flame, it gives the flame a reddish color, which is where it got its name. (Rubidus=red in Latin.) Rubidium is a very soft metal. Finally, it also has a very high boiling point of 1270 degrees Fahrenheit.
It is the 16 th most abundant element in the Earth’s crust. It occurs naturally in the minerals leucite, pollucite, and zinnwaldite. The commercial source of Rubidium is Lepidolite.
Rubidium can be used as –A “getter” in a vacuum A getter prevents any gases from remaining in a free state inside a vacuum tube. –A photocell component A solid-state device that converts light into electrical energy –An ingredient in certain types of glass Rubidium also was considered for use in ion engines for spacecraft, but other elements such as Xe are more efficient.
Bentor, Yinon. Chemical - Rubidium. Jan. 15, Los Almos National Labs Chemistry Division. 13 Dec. 03. ( ). "Rubidium." Wikipedia. Dec.-Jan Jan