EUFORES Offshore Wind and the European Supergrid 09/16/2010 Hans-Josef Fell Member of the German Parliament
Hans-Josef Fell Hans-Josef Fell Green Power Transition Source: Green Energy Concept 2010 Nuclear Hard Coal Renewable Energies Others Brown Coal Natural Gas
Hans-Josef Fell Annual Added Capacity of Photvoltaics in Germany - Federal Government's Energy Concept - Source: Federal Governments Energy Concept, BMU Projections by EWI and Co.
Hans-Josef Fell Annual Added Capacity of Power Generation from Biomass in Germany - Federal Government's Energy Concept - Source: Federal Governments Energy Concept, BMU
Hans-Josef Fell Source: BWE, Federal Governments Energy Concept Annual Added Capacity of Onshore-Wind Power in Germany - Federal Government's Energy Concept -
Hans-Josef Fell Total Expansion of Offshore-Wind Power in Germany - Federal Government's Energy Concept - Source: Federal Governments Energy Concept, National Action Plan
Hans-Josef Fell Hans-Josef Fell Many Thanks for your Attention!