■Essential Question ■Essential Question: –To what extent did American foreign & domestic policy change in the 1950s? ■Warm-Up Question ■Warm-Up Question: –Explain the Truman Doctrine –Explain the Marshall Plan –What was the purpose of NATO?
Recap of Post War Economics ■ : inflation with decline in GNP –Led to labor strike; Then, Congress passed Taft-Hartley Act (anti-labor) –Unionization of South and women was not successful. Membership peaked in 1950s and then began steady decline ■Democratic admin: sold war factories to private companies cheaply ■Congress passed Employment Act of 1946 and created Council of Economic Advisors
Recap of Post War Economics ■1948: GNP began to climb ■1950s: National income doubled and then doubled again by 1960s ■Affluence affected most Americas ■Middle class more than doubled to 60% ■Women benefited: though culture glorified traditional role of women, they accounted for more than a quarter of workforce at end of war.
President Eisenhower’s Modern Republicanism Eisenhower Video
Eisenhower’s Modern Republicanism ■Frustration with the stalemate in Korea & the Red Scare led to a Republican presidential takeover in the 1952 ■WW2 hero Dwight Eisenhower provided an antidote for “K 1 C 2 ” –Since Ike was liked by everyone, VP Richard Nixon did the heavy campaigning attacked communism & corruption –Eisenhower vowed to go to Korea & personally end the war Korean War Gov’t Corruption Communism Once elected, Ike did go to Korea, overturned the U.N. battle plan, & threatened China with nuclear war to get an armistice signed in 1953
Eisenhower’s Modern Republicanism ■Eisenhower labeled his politics “Modern Republicanism” or “dynamic conservatism”: –“Ike” believed in conservative gov’t spending & a balanced budget but he had no desire to end New Deal programs middle of the road tactic –Wanted to avoid creeping socialism Decreasing military spending, transfering control of oil fields to the states, curb TVA by setting up a private company –The affluent, postwar “good life” at home was dependent upon a strong Cold War foreign policy “I’m conservative when it comes to money and liberal when it comes to human beings”
Eisenhower’s Modern Republicanism ■In his 8 years as president, Ike had a modest domestic record: –Instead of ending New Deal programs, Eisenhower added to social security & minimum wage –Used FDR’s Federal Housing Admin to help finance building & purchasing of suburban homes –Created the Depts of Health, Education, & Welfare During the Eisenhower era, the U.S. economy avoided spiraling inflation & brought middle-class prosperity to more Americans Enacted “Operation Wetback” Tried to terminate Native American tribes as legal entities.
Eisenhower’s Modern Republicanism ■Interstate Highway System ■Interstate Highway System: –Highway Act of 1956 created 42,000 miles of divided highway to connect major U.S. cities –These highways helped promote national defense, interstate trade, & vacation travel –All funds were raised exclusively through gas, tire, & car taxes
The Republicans in Power ■Regarding McCarthyism, Ike provided McCarthy “just enough rope to hang himself” in 1954 –After ruining lives of many officials, writers, and actors, he also denounced General George Marshall. He finally went too far when he attacked the Army –In the televised “Army hearings,” the nation saw McCarthy’s style & fact-less attacks –The Senate censured McCarthy & his “communist” attacks quickly died… as did he of alcoholism 3 years later “I am not going to get into a [peeing] contest with a skunk” “Have you no decency, Mr. McCarthy?”
Postwar American Society
An Affluent Society ■The postwar boom was caused by –Increased production from WW2 –Cheap energy from low cost fuel and electrical grids –Increased productivity rising educational level of work force –Change in economic structure: shift of workforce out of agriculture
An Affluent Society ■The postwar boom was caused by –A desire for consumer goods (suppressed in the 1930s & 40s) –Gov’t spending during Cold War –Baby boom & movement to the suburbs increased the demand for consumer goods ■But, this affluence led to a shift from individualism to conformity The Marshall Plan The Korean War Cars with automatic transmissions TVs Refrigerators Hi-fi record players Filter cigarettes Diner’s Club credit cards The American economy grew from crippling depression to the highest standard of living in all of world history in just 1 generation Movement to Sunbelt
TV in the 1950s ■$64,000 Question ■21 Questions ■Bonanza ■The Untouchables ■I Love Lucy ■1950s TV networks “I Love Lucy” “The Milton Berle Show” TV replaced radio & magazines as the primary conveyer of American consumer culture As a result, attendance in movies declined, advertisers began using tv ads, televangelists emerged, & people began viewing sports from home. TV ownership jumped from 9% in 1950 to 90% by 1960 (45 million).
Birthrate, The late 1940s & 1950s experienced the “baby boom”
Life in the Suburbs ■The rapid growth of suburbs altered American life: –“Blue” & “white collar” workers lived in the same neighborhoods –Suburbs depended upon cars, grocery stores, & shopping malls –Suburbs allowed for the nuclear- family, not the extended family –“White-flight” to the suburbs left behind largely black urban cores
A Suburban Case Study: Levittown, New York Begin in 1947 with 4,000 rental homes to veterans Grew to 17,000 sold homes in 1951
Southdale Shopping Center, Minnesota— the 1 st enclosed, air-conditioned shopping mall
Areas of Greatest Growth ■The rapid growth of suburbs led to –Increased church membership; Religious preference became the primary identifying feature of the suburbs –Public schools grew & a college education was a goal for middle class children
Music changed in the 1950s. “Doo-wop” music dominated the early 1950s…
Music changed in the 1950s. …but, was challenged in popularity by rock n’ roll. Rock n’ roll was inspired by black artists, but Elvis Presley made it popular among the youth.Elvis Presley Rock n’ roll was inspired by black artists, but Elvis Presley made it popular among the youth.Elvis Presley
The Music of the 1950s ■But, rock n’ roll quickly struck a chord with young listeners: –Black artists: Ray Charles, Chuck Berry, Fats Domino, & Little Richard –White artists: Jerry Lee Lewis, Roy Orbison, Buddy Holly, & Elvis Presley
This rock ‘n’ roll music is a SIN! Rock scared parents who thought the fast beats were immoral.
Teenagers were an important force in the 1950s Suburban teens had leisure time & money to spend.
Teenagers were an important force in the 1950s Businesses targeted teenagers, selling billions of dollars of “cool” consumer goods.
Hollywood movies targeted teens & made films about “juvenile delinquency.”juvenile delinquency
The “ideal man” was provider & boss of the house. TV, movies, & advertising in the 1950s promoted conformity & stereotypes.
The “ideal woman” was a housewife & mother. TV, movies, & advertising in the 1950s promoted conformity & stereotypes.
The media promoted women as mothers & homemakers, but almost 40% of mothers had jobs. Betty Friedan’s The Feminine Mystique was a best-seller. She is the godmother of the feminist movement. It was “an indictment of the stifling boredom of suburban housewifery.”
TV, movies, & advertising in the 1950s promoted conformity & stereotypes. But, 1950s stereotypes were not accurate of most Americans. Behavioral Rules of the 1950s: Obey authority. Control Your emotions. Fit in with the crowd. Don’t even think about sex!!! Changing Sexual Behavior: Sexologist Alfred Kinsey revealed that premarital sex & extramarital affairs were common in the 1950s. Changing Sexual Behavior: Sexologist Alfred Kinsey revealed that premarital sex & extramarital affairs were common in the 1950s. Playboy’s first publication, 1953
New Students Taking Advantage of the G.I. Bill
Critics of the Consumer Society ■Some criticized suburban culture: – William Whyte’s Organized Man & David Riesman’s Lonely Crowd criticized American conformity to social pressures Beatniks –Jack Kerouac & the Beats (Beatniks) emerged as a new counter-culture by refusing to conform to 1950s culture Gave rise to counter-culture reactionaries of 1960s Inspired by Zen Buddhist state of inner grace called “beatitude”
The “beat movement” rejected conformity. “Beatniks” were artists & writers who lived non-conformist lives. They rejected the suburbs, consumerism, & “regular jobs.” Led by Jack Kerouac, the beats inspired the “hippies” of the 1960s.
■Find images Beat Artists (Beatniks) “City Lights” in San Francisco was a hotbed for Beat artists
Mar Abstract Expressionism Jackson PollockMark Rothko
■Essential Question ■Essential Question: –How do the domestic & foreign policies of Truman & Eisenhower compare?
Eisenhower Wages the Cold War
Eisenhower & the Cold War ■Ike was unusually well-prepared to be a Cold War president ■Ike’s foreign policy goals were to: –Take a strong stand against Communism by using “massive retaliation” with nuclear weapons & covert CIA operations –To reduce defense spending & relax Cold War tensions Pragmatic & well organized WW2 military experience in Europe & Asia Chose hard-liner John Foster Dulles to be Sec of State Excellent diplomat & politician
Massive Retaliation ■Eisenhower wanted “more bang for the buck”: –Nuclear weapons & long-range delivery missiles were cheaper than conventional armed forces –“Massive retaliation” strategy made using nuclear weapons unlikely –But massive retaliation offered no intermediate course of action if diplomacy failed “Massive retaliation” meant targeting civilian targets rather than military ones Ike relied heavily on “brinksmanship” in which he used veiled threats of nuclear war to accomplish his goals
Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs)
What are the stakes of war? Massive Retaliation? Mutual Assured Destruction?
Massive Retaliation ■In 1954, Eisenhower used a hard-line approach to stop Chinese expansion in Asia: –Chinese attempts to take over islands near Taiwan led Eisenhower to threaten nuclear war if China did not stop –Eisenhower hoped this pressure would drive a wedge between the USSR & communist China Chinese did not know if Ike was bluffing so China backed off this territorial expansion …and the refusal of the USSR to aid China added a rift between Russia & China by the end of the 1950s
Massive Retaliation ■In 1956, Egyptian leader Nasser nationalized the Suez Canal: –England & France invaded Egypt to take back the canal but the USSR opposed this intervention –Eisenhower did not want the USSR to attack so he threatened Russia with nuclear war –England, France, & the USSR left Egypt & the U.S. became the leader in Middle East “If those fellows start something, we may have to hit ‘em—and, if necessary, with everything in the bucket”
Eisenhower Doctrine ■The Suez Crisis revealed the vulnerability of the Middle East to Communism & Ike responded: Eisenhower Doctrine –In 1957, the Eisenhower Doctrine recommended U.S. armed force to protect the Middle East from Communist aggression –In 1957, Ike sent the military to Lebanon to halt Communism & install a pro-Western gov’t Like the Monroe Doctrine in Latin America, the United States emerged as a police power in a new part of the world
Covert Actions ■Ike’s administration used covert CIA acts to expand U.S. control: –In 1953, the CIA overthrew Mohammed Mossadegh in Iran in favor of a U.S.-friendly shah –In 1954, the CIA overthrew a leftist regime in Guatemala –In 1959, the CIA took a hard- line against new Cuban dictator Fidel Castro after his coup These interventions led to anti-American hostilities in the Middle East & Latin America “The end justifies the means”
■Essential Question ■Essential Question: –How do the domestic & foreign policies of Truman & Eisenhower administrations compare? ■Warm-Up Question: –Why do you think the USA and Soviet Union were so concerned about their space programs?
The Effects of Sputnik ■The “space race” intensified the Cold War between USA & USSR –In 1957, the launch of the Soviet satellite Sputnik led to fears that the USSR was leading the race to create intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) creating a missile gap –The U.S. sped up it plans to build ICBMs & IRBM submarines Khrushchev used Sputnik to put the U.S. on the defensive: “We will bury you. Your grandchildren will live under Communism.”
The Effects of Sputnik ■Sputnik led to fears that America was growing soft & was losing its competitive edge & work ethic ■The U.S. gov’t responded with: – National Aeronautics & Space Administration – National Aeronautics & Space Administration in 1958 –National Defense Education Act –National Defense Education Act was created to promote math, science, & technology education The advanced placement (AP) program is a byproduct of the NDEA!
Sputnik in 1957 The Original Seven—Mercury Astronauts Alan Shepard was the 1 st American in space
Waging Peace ■Ike tried to end the nuclear arms race as both sides tested hydrogen bombs & ICBMs –In 1953, Eisenhower called for disarmament & presented his “Atoms for Peace” plan to the United Nations –In 1955, Khrushchev rejected Eisenhower’s “open skies” plan for weapons disarmament
Military-Industrial Complex Military-Industrial Complex ■In his farewell address in 1960, Eisenhower warned against the Military-Industrial Complex: –The massive military spending that dominate domestic & foreign politics This military-industrial complex is part of the reason for the Soviet demise in the late 1980s & end of the Cold War in 1991
Conclusions Conclusions: Restoring National Confidence
Conclusions ■By 1960, the American people were more optimistic than in 1950 –Americans were no longer afraid of a return of another Great Depression –Anxiety over the Cold War continued but was not as severe –But, American values & race relations were areas of concern