Ensuring a Good Fit
Board of Nursing (BON) approved Alternative, voluntary program for LVNs & RNs Offers recovery Returns nurses back to practice
To help employers and potential employers of TPAPN nurses understand how TPAPN fosters a positive and safe work environment for participating nurses and enhances patient safety.
Approved under Texas Health and Safety Code Available to eligible nurses who may benefit from Peer Assistance Services Nurse can self-report or be referred by a third party Voluntary; may withdraw at any time
Provide information and support for referred nurses Monitor nurse participants’ work performance, program compliance and progress in recovery Liaison between nurse participants, treatment providers, employers and Advocates
Educate nurse participants about TPAPN and recovery Provide 1:1 peer support Assist participants with enrollment and work processes, as needed Provide education to nursing supervisors and coworkers
“With my new sense of self- worth and improved nursing practice, I am living proof that TPAPN works.” – Nurse Graduate “Becoming an Advocate was never a question for me; it was and continues to be a gift. It is one way I can give back what was so freely given to me.” – TPAPN Advocate
Review employer slide show Confirm nurse submitted employer consent Contact TPAPN Case Manager for job approval Hold Work Agreement meeting with nurse to complete forms Fax completed forms to TPAPN ( ) and allow nurse to begin work
Assign a nurse/coworker to give participants abusable medications and discuss exchange of duties Develop plan to accommodate participants drug testing
During the first six months participants agree not to: Take on call duty Administer, count, witness wastage, receive abusable or controlled substances from pharmacy or authorize prescriptions for controlled substances
TPAPN participants agree NOT to: Function in an autonomous or unsupervised role Work shifts longer than 12 hours Work for multiple employers or be self-employed Work in short-term staffing or work as a traveler Float outside of assigned area Work over 96 hours in two week pay period Work at various practice sites, unless approved by BON
Learning Accountability Openness and fairness Systems to enhance patient safety Proactive incentives to decrease at-risk behaviors Coach or counsel as appropriate
A punitive system creates barriers to reporting and keeps impaired nurses from getting help. Dismissing a nurse without charges of misconduct leaves the nurse at risk of harming patients and their self as well as free to seek work elsewhere. A Board investigation can take months, and if licensed in another state, a nurse can simply move away to avoid disciplinary action. TPAPN costs less than BON investigation.