第 16 章 抗癫痫药 和抗惊厥药 Antiepileptics & anticonvulsive drugs
§1 antiepileptic drugs ㈠ Epilepsy 癫痫 1 、 chronic CNS disorders ; 1 ) cerebral focus nerve cell 2 ) sudden 、 abnormity 、 rapid high frequency local discharge 3 ) around diffuse 4 ) cerebral function disorders 。 introduction
Causes of epilepsy Damage to the brain : 1 ) tumours 、 2 ) head injury 、 3 ) infection 、 4 ) cerebrovascular accident ;
2 、 Character of paroxysm 1) abrupt onset ① staring (目瞪) ② cessation of ongoing activities ③ lasting less than 30 sec 2 ) transient 、 3 ) repeat ;
Classification of epileptic 1 、 Partial seizures : 1 )、 simple partial— key feature : preservation of consciousness ; 2 )、 complex partial— impaired consciousness lasting 30sc—2min 。
2 、 generalized seizures : 1 ) absence seizures ( peptit-mal ): 2 ) myoclonic seizures : a brief shock like contraction of muscle ; 3 ) tonic –clonic seizures : ( grand-mal epilepsy )
§1 antiepileptic drugs 一、 manner of action : 1 、 ㈠ local discharge 2 、 around diffuse. 二、 mechanism of action 1 、 function of GABA 2 、 interfere Na + 、 K + 、 Ca 2+ channel
usual drugs pp henytoin sodium (苯妥英钠、大仑丁, dilantin ) [ pharmacokinetics ] 1 、 PO.—absorption somewhat slow , F —difference obvious ; 2 、 stimulation , not suitable IM 3 、 extensively bound to serum protein ;
3 、 elimination velocity with blood concentration correlation 10 g/ml: first-order elimination kinetics , t ½ 6-24 h 10 g/ml: zero-order elimination kinetics , t ½ h
[actions and uses] 1.epilepsy 1) Generalized tonic –clonic; partial seizure (first choice ) 2) absence seizures inefficacy ; 2.trigeminal and related neuralgias 3. arrhythmia (related to digitalis intoxication)
[ adverse reactions ] 1. local stimulation (PH 2. chronic toxico ⑴ overgrown of gum collagen (in children and young) ⑵ CNS depression ; ⑶ a variety of endocrine ;
3. other 1) hypersensitivity reaction ; 2) cardiac toxicity: iv-excessive rate; 3) fatal hepatic necrosis; 4) blood system : reduce immunoglobulin neutropenial folacin
carbamazepine 卡马西平 ( 酰胺咪嗪 ) [characteristics ] 1 、㈠ Na + channel ,㈠ focus discharge ; 2 、 generalized tonic clonic and simple --- first choice neuralgia > phenytoin sodium ;
3 、 po-- absorb slowly , induce hepatic enzyme , 4 、 adverse reaction 1 ) acute intoxication : stupor 、 coma hyperirritability 、 convulsion respiratory depression 2 ) serious intoxication : ㈠ marrow , hepatic damage 。
other usual drugs 药 名 character 苯巴比妥 ㈠ discharge and diffuses , Phenobarbital use : epilepsy absence seizures efficacy 乙琥胺 Ethosuximide 丙戊酸钠 widely anti epilepsy Sodium valproate ㈠ Na + channel , GABA o f CNS
Clinic choice drugs principles 1 、 types of epilepsy ; 2 、 long term administration ; 3 、 individual of dose ; 4 、 not sudden stop ; 3 、 note : adverse reaction and drug interration
§2 anticonvulsants magnesium sulfate (硫酸镁) 1 、 Mg 2+ -Ca 2+ competitive , 2 、 use : PO-catharsis im-anticonvulsion ; iv--BP 3 、 adverse reaction : ㈠ CNS 、㈠ respiratory 、 administration slowly overdose : iv.Ca 2+ 。
question 1 、 describe the choice agents of epilepsy ? 2、 which drugs prossess action anticonvulsion ?