The World of Fractions When you’ve looked carefully all around, You’ll be amazed at the fractions you’ve found! Compiled by Mrs. Thonus
A fraction is part of a whole. When you divide something into pieces each piece is called a fraction or a fractional part.
Fractions have 2 main parts. The numerator is the top number. It tells how many parts we have. It answers the question “How many?” 3434 numerator We have 3 out of 4 slices of pizza.
Fractions have 2 main parts. The denominator is the bottom number. It tells how many total parts there are denominator There are 4 total slices of pizza.
The bar separating the numerator and the denominator is called a fraction bar Fraction bar
One more vocabulary word… Unit fraction: a unit fraction is a fraction with 1 as a numerator. It represents 1 part of a whole.
When you name fractions you use ordinal numbers to say the denominator. 2 = half 3 = third 4 = fourth 5= fifth 6= sixth 8 = eighth
Here are some more examples. 1/3 one-third 1/5 one-fifth 5/5 five-fifths or one whole 5/8 five-eighths 3/8 three-eighths
Click on Annie and Moby to learn more about fractions.
Fractions are in the world all around us.
:Let’s Review Fractions today by watching another Annie and Moby video.