How to incorporate equations into Power Point Presentations by Deborah Alterman Cascadia Community College
First, go to the “Insert” menu on the top toolbar, then select “Object…”:
In the “Insert Object” window, select Microsoft Equation
You will see a tool bar which looks like this (you may have to check “Toolbar” under the View menu)
Now type your mathematical formula, using the pull-down menus as needed
For instance, you can add exponents
Then enter your exponent in the dashed boxes
Or create fractions…
…and enter your numerator and denominator in the dashed boxes
When you are done, simply click the ‘x’ in the corner of the Equation Editor window
And your equation will appear on your slide Wait a minute - that’s way too dark!
Right click on the equation, go to the Format Object menu
Choose the picture tab, then the “Recolor…” button
Now your equation is a more visible color.
You can use the same method to add equations to Word documents.