Teaching ESL
#1 Just to start… ZRemember, you have been trained better than most, but you still have a whole lot left to learn ZSince you don’t know everything, don’t be afraid to ask questions. ZTAKE YOUR ESL CERTIFICATION TEST IF YOU WANT TO GET AND KEEP A JOB!!!!
#2 Find Your Happy Place ZTeaching is the best job in the world! ZIf you don’t have a happy place to go in your moments of frustration, you’ll never make it…seriously ZMy Happy Place (outside of God, of course) is the paper from a Fortune Cookie..More on that later
Down to Business ZPaperwork: The main paperwork that you’ll be completing outside of your personal monitoring notes on your ELL is your TELPAS rating paperwork ZTELPAS: Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System
TELPAS ZGiven to meet NCLB accountability requirements for meeting the needs of ELLs ZAssesses proficiency in language domains of listening, speaking, reading, and writing Zhttp://ritter.tea.state.tx.us/student.a ssessment/ELL/TELPAS-PLDs.pdfhttp://ritter.tea.state.tx.us/student.a ssessment/ELL/TELPAS-PLDs.pdf
Give it a try! Zhttp://ritter.tea.state.tx.us/stud ent.assessment/ELL/TELPASWriti ng/G02Practice03- Collection.pdfhttp://ritter.tea.state.tx.us/stud ent.assessment/ELL/TELPASWriti ng/G02Practice03- Collection.pdf Z What would you rate this sample?
Grade 2, Advanced Overall grasp of basic verbs and grammar Narrations and descriptions developed with some detail and emerging clarity Writing usually understandable to individuals not used to writing of ELLs Emerging ability to apply elements of grade- appropriate writing, although support is needed
One More Time! Zhttp://ritter.tea.state.tx.us/stud ent.assessment/ELL/TELPASWriti ng/G03Practice01- Collection.pdfhttp://ritter.tea.state.tx.us/stud ent.assessment/ELL/TELPASWriti ng/G03Practice01- Collection.pdf
Grades 3-5, Beginning ZFrequent use of primary language phonetics to spell even high-frequency English words (cip for keep, pigas for because, ket for get, tont for don,t, hay for I, ham for am, af for have, plien for playing.) Z Much writing unclear even to those accustomed to writing of ELLs ZCollection shows evidence that student knows more English than he or she is able to communicate in writing
My United Nations ZUzbekistan ZGermany ZTurkey ZPakistan ZMexico ZVietnam ZHungary
Meeting Their Needs ZParent Involvement ZSafe Environment - Physically and Emotionally ZSupport not judgment ZChild without a language
BICS and CALP ZRecognize that it only takes about a year and a half for a student to acquire BICS (Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills), but CALP (Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency) takes five to seven years ZThe SIOP Model of sheltered instruction aims to teach content alongside language * SIOP Voght and Echevarria is a need to know!
Teaching ESL ZIf you can be an effective Language Arts teacher, then you can be a great ESL teacher, but there is so much more!
How We Learn- William Glasser Z98% of what we teach using art, music, physical movement and/or drama Z95% of what we teach someone else Z80% of what we experience personally Z70% of what is discussed with others Z50% of what we hear and see Z30% of what we see Z20% of what we hear Z10% of what we read Z1% of what we do on a worksheet Z
Resources ZMaking Content Comprehensible for English Learners - Echevarria, Short, & Vogt Z99 Ideas and Activities for Teaching English Learners with the SIOP Model - Vogt & Echevarria Z50 Strategies for Teaching English Language Learners - Herrell & Jordan ZThe How-To Handbook: Teaching English Language Learners - Teresa Walter
Books for Children ZI Hate English! by Ellen Levine ZMy Name is Gabito by Monica Brown ZThe Upside Down Boy by Juan Felipe Herrera
My Experiences, Mistakes, & Lessons Learned
Your ability to love will help a child in need