What is Health Literacy?
What is Health Literacy? Health literacy is defined as the degree to which an individual has the capacity to obtain, communicate, process, and understand basic health information and services to make appropriate health decisions*. The Wake Health Literacy Coalition defines health literacy in plain language as: A person being able to find, get and use information to make good health choices, AND A health worker being able to help someone find, get and use information to make good health choices. *Healthy People 2010, The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010, and the Institute of Medicine (2004)
This means people getting care can: Make appointments Follow instructions before and after their appointments Read signs and maps to find their way Understand and fill out forms Explain the reason for their visit Give a complete health history Read labels Know how to use the internet Understand numbers Feel good about bringing a friend, family member or other helper to their appointment Tell the health worker the instructions they will follow, in their own words
This means health workers should:This helps people to: Use plain language Teach patients about their health using every day examples Ask patients to repeat instructions in their own words to check for understanding Use easy-to-read print materials Make appointments Follow instructions before and after their appointments Find their way Fill out forms Give a complete health history Understand labels Use the internet Understand numbers
Using health literacy concepts when interacting with patients leads to: Better health Lower healthcare costs Better use of the health care system Less use of emergency room care Fewer hospitalizations Prevention of disease Better disease management Fewer medication errors Better patient satisfaction