Video Game Storyboards Advanced Programming Ms. Castiglia
Plot/Setting Theme of the game Characters General plot Making an outline for this will be the most time consuming part of your tasks. This will give the game developers an idea of what you are trying to create for them and decide if they like it or not.
Character Development Special traits Abilities to characters A good background history Make your character as interactive as possible Dialogues with characters in the game
Considering the Details
The Storyboard Collection of still drawings (rough sketches) Words and technical instructions that describe each scene of the game. Includes storyboards Cut-Scenes Sound Interactions between other characters in the game Their surroundings are also included.
Storyboards Plan out what’s going to happen Motion Picture companies Video Game designers Pseudocodes are just statements that describe the actions that need to be performed.
Example Storyboard Our Eskimo scene is going to start off with a boy Eskimo outside an igloo and a girl Eskimo inside it. The girl Eskimo is going to come outside and ask the boy if he would like to go for a walk. The boy is going to say that he would, and then the pair is going to walk around the igloo together. Here is what my storyboard looks like for this world:
Assignment Storyboard – Task Rotation