Industry and Imperialism World History 2014
IndustrializationImperialism Unit Topics Why Britain? Why Europe? How does this impact the rest of the world? Groups that are positively and negatively impacted by industry How did Industry lead to World War I? Why New Imperialism? (Late 1800s) Scramble for Africa Why are Europeans so eager to spread around the world? “White Man’s Burden” How did Imperialism lead to World War I? Reactions to Imperialism China, India, Japan, Africa
Nov. 17/18 #1/ Beginning of Industrial Revolution PPT/ In Class/ Nov 17/18 #2/ Documents Industrial Revolution Beginnings/ In Class and Homework/ Due Nov 19/20 Skill: Analysis of Documents Objective: I can… analyze why the Industrial Revolution began in Britain.
Nov 19/20 #3/ Industrial Revolution Part II PPT/ In Class/ Nov. 19/20 #4/ Industrial Revolution Video/ In Class/ Nov. 19/20 Skills: Thesis writing Objective: I can…analyze the spread and impact of the Industrial Revolution in Europe and the United States.
Nov. 21 Finish #3 Do #4 #5/ One Page Review on Industrial Revolution/ In Class/ Done Nov. 21 Skill: Prioritizing Information Objective: I can…analyze and describe why the Industrial revolution began in Britain and why the Industrial revolution was strong in European States and the United States.
Dec 2/3 #5/ One Page Review on Industrial Revolution/ Homework/ Done Dec. 4 #6/ Positives and Negatives Industrial Revolution Chart/ In Class/ Done Dec. 2 #7/ Why New Imperialism PPT?/ In Class/ Done Dec 2 #8/ Scramble for Africa Reading Part 1/ In Class/ Continue on Dec. 4 Skills: Categorizing Information Objective: I can…analyze the connection between the Industrial Revolution and the expansion of New Imperialism in the late 1800s.
Dec 4/5 #9/ Imperialism Documents/ In Class/ Done Dec 4/5 Do #8 Skills: Analyzing Documents Objective: I can…analyze and use documents to understand motivations and impact of New Imperialism on the world.