DBQ: New Imperialism
Todays DBQ 35 Point Assignment Due at beginning of next class May be typed or hand written May Work with Partner or alone to create essay Answer the questions under each document (10 Points) Create a 5 Paragraph essay- question in gray box (25 Points) Staple essay to worksheet
Guidelines for DBQ After answering all of the questions under the document- choose, Which economic, political & social factors were most responsible for New Imperialism. Support your answer with documents Essay Format: 1. Introduction- How are you answering the main question? What is your thesis? 2-4. Body #1, #2, & #3. Support your answer. Use at least one document in each paragraph to support answer. 5. Conclusion- Why are these the best causes? Each paragraph should have at least 3 sentences, except conclusion- 1 or 2 sentences will suffice
HONORS Guidelines for DBQ After answering all of the questions under the document- choose, Which economic, political & social factors were most responsible for New Imperialism. Support your answer with documents Essay Format: 1. Introduction- How are you answering the main question? What is your thesis? 2. Body 1 Paragraph. Support your answer. Use at least three documents to support answer. Must be at least 6-8 sentences 3. Conclusion- Why are these the best causes? Each paragraph should have at least 3 sentences, except conclusion- 1 or 2 sentences will suffice