Science Experiment: Oobleck Grade 2 Quinn Sissler
Standard Identify objects and materials as solid, liquid, or gas. Recognize that solids have a definite shape and that liquids and gases take the shape of their container.
ENGAGE The teacher will read Bartholomew and the Oobleck by Dr. Seuss to the class to initiate the lesson. In this book, the king requests a new type of weather. The Royal Magicians comply by creating oobleck which falls from the sky. The oobleck wrecks havoc on the town until the King is forced to stop it. This book will engage the students as well as initiate thoughts about oobleck. The teacher will ask the questions like, “What would happen if oobleck fell from the sky?” “What kind of matter do you think oobleck is; solid, liquid? Why?”
EXPLORE SURPRISE! Today we’ll be making oobleck! In small groups with supervision, the class will mix 11/2 cups cornstarch and 1 cup water to begin the experiment. They will have the option to use food coloring to color it as well! They will have an opportunity to get really messy and just play and explore the oobleck. Teacher will facilitate exploration by encouraging students to squeeze/punch the oobleck as well as just let if flow freely in their hands.
Explore The adult in each group will facilitate discussion and thoughts by doing the following: -Have students pick up the oobleck. Ask them how it feels? What happens if: -Students slowly push their finger in and out of the oobleck? -Students poke the oobleck quickly? -Students try to roll the oobleck into a ball? -Students place different objects on top of the oobleck, i.e. penny or toothpick? -Students pour the oobleck into a plastic bag or other containers?
EXPLAIN Students will have a science notebook in which they will answer questions when they are done exploring the oobleck. “How does the oobleck act like a liquid?” “How does the oobleck act like a solid?” “Which do you think it is and why?” Teacher will explain to the class that cornstarch is a polymer. And when polymers are added to liquids, the liquid will have a more difficult time moving.
Elaborate In the last section of the science notebook: “What do you think will happen if we changed the temperature of the oobleck?” -Students will be asked to use both warm and cold liquid to create the oobleck and must document their findings. “How will changing the amount of water or cornstarch affect the oobleck?” -Students will be given the chance to experiment with different proportions of water and cornstarch. -They will have a table where they can compare and contrast the different mixtures.
Evaluate Teacher will have the opportunity to take home both the science journals and compare/contrast measurement charts to evaluate the class.
ESL Before beginning this lesson, I would review some of the important vocabulary words with these students, Including solid, liquid, pour, stir, etc… Instead of using questions in the science notebook, I would allow these students to draw pictures to illustrate their discoveries and exploration. I would also focus primarily on the compare and contrast measurement chart.
Is it a solid or a liquid??