Oak Grove High Jan Burchfield and Renee Lemsky 2nd QUARTER ( 10/09/14 –12/19/14) Library Highlights Reading emphasis Pajama Day _ Curl Up With a Book Salute to Veterans Board Games in the library College Application Day Global Scholars, ASFAB, PLAN, and PSAT testing
Oak Grove High Jan Burchfield and Renee Lemsky 2nd QUARTER (10/09/14 –12/19/14 * Last 3 rows show the number of class periods that student equipment was reserved; these numbers are not included in the circulation statistics column. Utilization Report:
Oak Grove High Jan Burchfield and Renee Lemsky 2nd QUARTER (10/09/14 –12/19/14 Library Utilization & Collaboration Highlights: PAGE ONE *Level of collaboration: 1. Pull books and materials for classroom teacher. 2. Scheduled time, space, and resources; provided technical support for classes; no formal teaching. 3. Provide some introductory instruction and/or research assistance, in addition to gathering resources and providing technical assistance. 4. Plan with teachers, pull resources, provide formal instruction to students. + AASL standards for literacy skills and/or 21 st century learning objectives
Oak Grove High Jan Burchfield and Renee Lemsky 2nd QUARTER (10/09/14 –12/19/14 Assisted students with Star SportsmanshipVarious grades Library Utilization & Collaboration Highlights: PAGE TWO *Level of collaboration: 1. Pull books and materials for classroom teacher. 2. Scheduled time, space, and resources; provided technical support for classes; no formal teaching. 3. Provide some introductory instruction and/or research assistance, in addition to gathering resources and providing technical assistance. 4. Plan with teachers, pull resources, provide formal instruction to students. + AASL standards for literacy skills and/or 21 st century learning objectives
Oak Grove High Jan Burchfield and Renee Lemsky 2nd QUARTER (10/09/14 –12/19/14 Teacher Training & Tech Support PAGE ONE (highlights, not an all-inclusive list)
Oak Grove High Jan Burchfield and Renee Lemsky 2nd QUARTER (10/09/14 –12/19/14 Teacher Training & Tech Support PAGE TWO (highlights, not an all-inclusive list)