October 13, 2014 What are we doing today? Introduce Ecosystems Trophic levels Consumers/Producers/Decomposers Photosynthesis Energy Flow Food webs/Food chains Due: --- Target To apply our understanding of systems to biology; specifically, the global scale ecosystem Question of the Day Write down and define: System
October 14, 2014 What are we doing today? Ecosystem Billboard -Choose a word from our list of vocabulary terms (one per group) -Create a billboard in Paint or PowerPoint that explains the word -Include the following: -a good definition and a brief explanation -information must be useful and new -graphic with caption required Due: Thursday Target To apply our understanding of systems to biology; specifically, the global scale ecosystem Question of the Day Q: A gelatinous sample of material from a previously unexplored marine environment is thought to be living or to be composed of recently living material. Which of the following would most clearly confirm that the material has a biological origin? A. The presence of cells in the sample B. The presence of hydrogen in the sample C. Diffusion of material out of the sample D. Movement of the sample
October 15, 2014 What are we doing today? Ecosystem Billboard - Continuing working on billboard, focusing on design and editing - Project due at the end of Thursday Due: Thursday Target To apply our understanding of systems to biology; specifically, the global scale ecosystem Question of the Day Q: You examine a species of owl for many generations over the course of many years and notice that the feather color darkens over the years. Which of the following is a possible explanation for your observations? A. The owls with the darker feathers are able to produce more eggs. B. The owls with the lighter feathers are more likely to reproduce later in life. C. The owls with the darker feathers are more likely to be preyed upon. D. The owls with the lighter feathers produce healthier offspring.
October 16, 2014 What are we doing today? Ecosystem Billboard - Finish working on billboard, focusing on design and editing - Brief presentations on Monday! Due: Today Target To apply our understanding of systems to biology; specifically, the global scale ecosystem Question of the Day Q: Scientific researchers work to create theories and laws, not facts and truths. Why is it possible that a conclusion reached via valid scientific inquiry could be discarded? A. It is impossible to know all of the details used to reach the conclusion. B. Science requires that all conclusions must be examined from all vantage points. C. New information and data may eventually become available. D. It is impossible to examine all available data fully.
October 17, 2014 What are we doing today? Project Success With Ms. Eiffert Due: Target No Target Question of the Day