Msg in a Bottle By: Matt Mann Mike Nichols Brandon Shewmake
Concept Motivation Social Interaction Gaming Exercise Description: Social Media and Treasure Hunting via Geocaching
Cache Properties Public vs Private Public: everyone can view Private: only friends can view Visible vs Hidden Hidden: uses camera to find Cach Bottle vs Treasure Chest Bottle: a msg and all other media Chest: allows only text Timer? Linked?
Cache Media Interactive Media Ie: watch this video, read this question, extc and answer Text Pictures Videos Audio May add restrictions on chest media
Chest Properties Requires a min amount of gold contributed Curse vs Blessing Affects based on amount of gold in chest Curse: no Gold and you are hexed Blessing: gold boost
Social Aspect
Game Aspect
Why Play The Game Bragging Rights Higher rank == better than your friends Get rank by placing gold in chest Get gold via daily booty and opening chest As your rank increase, will require more gold put in a chest to continue increasing rank Lots of Exercise Dominating your friends and strangers
Game Features (subject to change) Daily Stipend Curse: Lowers gold multiplier Blessing: Increases gold multiplier Witch Doctors: Located at McDonalds or other common places Blessings: bought from the Witch Doctor Curses: cured by Witch Docotors Random Curses and Blessings Rankings: (Will Change) Grand Poobah, Made Man, Newb
Features Friends List BOW (Bottle of the Week by popular vote) COW (Chest of the Week by point value) Groups List Group Specific Notifications
Possible Features Achievements Integrating Other Social Media Other ways of adding incentive to the game
Competitor: App - Uses GPS features - Physical Caches - Map of Nearby POI - Post Field Notes
Challenges Things we've never done Security features Picture recognition Voice recognition Superimposing bottle/chest on camera Superimposing directional arrow on camera Pushing/Pulling from server Aquiring server space Balancing economy Proper incentive to play