Files, User Interfaces, and the OS Files: programs (.exe); data (.jpg,.html,.doc, etc.) User Interface: used to run programs and manage files and folders through the OS. User Interface also manages and controls other devices (printers, disk drives, displays, networks)
Communicating with the OS User Interface … but what does a User Interface look like? Operating System
Windows Desktop Devices, folders, program icons Mac Desktop Windows vs. Mac User Interfaces
Windows Desktop Devices, folder, program icons window Mac Desktop Windows vs. Mac User Interfaces
Windows Desktop Devices, folder, program icons window menu Mac Desktop Windows vs. Mac User Interfaces
Windows Desktop Devices, folder, program icons window menu close window Mac Desktop Windows vs. Mac User Interfaces
Windows Desktop Devices, folder, program icons window taskbar task (pull-down) menu close window Mac Desktop Windows vs. Mac User Interfaces (windows/programs in use)
Windows Desktop Devices, folder, program icons trash window taskbar task (pull-down) menu close window trash Mac Desktop Windows vs. Mac User Interfaces (windows/programs in use)
Windows Desktop popup menu Devices, folder, program icons trash window taskbar task (pull-down) menu close window trash Mac Desktop Windows vs. Mac User Interfaces (windows/programs in use)
control icon title bar minimize maximize close menu files folders sizing corner program icon scroll box status bar scroll arrows Windows UI – a closer look
close boxtitle barzoom box collapse box files folders sizing box scroll bars scroll bar Mac UI – a closer look header
DOS (Command-line) User Interface
The Command Prompt
Types of User Interfaces Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) - Windows, menus, icons, dialog boxes - visual/graphic “point-and-click” interface Command Line User Interfaces: text-based commands and messages Some systems offer both
Viewing the contents of a Folder Windows/Mac:
Viewing the contents of a Folder Windows/Mac: - double click the folder
Viewing the contents of a Folder Windows/Mac: - double click the folder
Viewing the contents of a Folder In DOS “Folders” = “Directories” So type “dir” followed by enter at the command prompt: D:\CS100\CS100 Lectures >dir
Viewing the contents of a Folder In DOS “Folders” = “Directories”
Viewing the contents of a Folder In DOS “Folders” = “Directories”
Viewing the contents of a Folder In DOS “Folders” = “Directories” So type “dir” followed by enter at the command prompt: D:\CS100\CS100 Lectures >dir The prompt is the path in the folder tree
File Organization & Management Files are organized hierarchically in Trees Contained within Folders A path in DOS is a path in the tree:
File Organization & Management Files are organized hierarchically in Trees Contained within Folders A path in DOS is a path in the tree: A:\Pictures\objects\
Getting to DOS 1. Start menu
Getting to DOS 1. Start menu 2. Programs
Getting to DOS 1. Start menu 2. Programs 3. MS-DOS Prompt
File Management Change Folder/Directory Make Folder/Directory Copy Files Delete and Undelete Files Rename Files
Change Drive/Folder/Directory GUI (Windows or Mac) -double click on folders (up & down the tree) DOS: to change from C:\> to D:\CS100 -type “d:” -Then type “cd cs100” (cd = change directory) -Type “cd \” to get back to the root (top of tree)
Make Folder/Directory GUI (Windows or Mac) -File > New > Folder DOS: to make a new folder “gronk” -type “mkdir gronk” -To remove/delete: type “rmdir gronk”
Copying Files GUI (Windows or Mac) -“drag & drop” DOS: to copy a file “foo.doc” to d:\cs100 -type “copy foo.doc d:\cs100” -To rename as you copy Type “copy foo.doc d:\cs100\newname”
Deleting Files GUI (Windows or Mac) -drag to recycle bin (Windows) or trash (Mac) -Empty to really delete DOS: to delete a file “notworthkeeping” -type “del notworthkeeping”
Renaming Files GUI (Windows or Mac) -Click on the name of the file …. Pause …. -Then click on it again and edit it DOS: to rename file “bug” to “itruns” -type “ren bug itruns”
Running Programs GUI (Windows or Mac) -Double click on the program or file … or … -“Drag & drop” file onto program DOS: to program “ItRuns” -type “ItRuns” and hit the enter key
Printing Files GUI (Windows or Mac) -Print from within the application … or … -“Drag & drop” file onto printer DOS: to print a text file “MyPaper” -type “print MyPaper” -type “type MyPaper” outputs it to the screen
Editing Files GUI (Windows or Mac) -Edit from within the application … or … -Open with Notepad as shown with html files
Review User Interfaces allow us to communicate with the OS User Interfaces: Graphical and Command-line flavors UIs can be used to run programs and manage files The User Interface can also be used to manage and control other devices (printers, disk drives, displays, networks)