Please complete and sign the ‘permission-to-go-out’ sheet if you haven’t done so. Make a photocopy of your passport and keep it at your hosts’. Passport MUST be valid 3 months beyond expiration date!!!
The schedule: Meet at the airport at 3:10 pm- about 3 hours early, Terminal C (to be confirmed). Do not forget your passport! I will have the tickets. The places we’ll see: Neuilly, Paris, Auvers-sur-Oise, Chantilly, Versailles!!!
Where is Neuilly? WHERE IS NEUILLY???
The school: Le lycée de la Folie Saint-James
Neuilly, cont…
Monday: Le Marais/ Place des Vosges/ Notre Dame
Cont… La maison du Dr. Gachet Le château d’Auvers
THURSDAY EVE: Beaubourg Une crêperie
Les bateaux-mouches La ville lumière A trip on the Seine…
Friday AM: Le musée de l’Orangerie
Packing & bags: Pack lightly. Only one 62”, 50 lb. bag checked per passenger= 1 carry-on 2 nd bag = $75 more. Remember that when you return, you will be carrying even more stuff! Carry-on: No liquids over 3.4 fl.oz. Pack carry-on toiletries/meds in a quart-size zip lock bag.
Expect temps in the 40-60’s with a high possibility of rain and/or stormIt can be as cold as winter or warm as spring. Wear comfortable shoes for walking many miles (NO FLIP-FLOPS!)! Wear comfortable clothing for sightseeing. (No “short” shorts!) Remember it can be cold. A light rain jacket is a good idea. Voltage is 220V. You will need a special adapter for many electronics.
Phones & communications: France is 6 hours later than the US. Don’t call late at night or too early in the morning. US cell phones won’t work unless they are quad band. Then you need to check with your phone carrier to find out what plan will allow you to roam in France. Be prepared to pay a premium to call or text. I-Phones can rack up very high bills. Students can also buy a “télécarte” to make calls from telephone booths. Texting might be a cheaper option. Check with your carrier.
Phones cont… Phone nos. in Paris start with ‘01’ plus 8 more digits. Cell nos. start with ‘06’ plus 8 digits. When calling Paris, first dial 011 (abroad), then 33 (France) then do NOT dial the ‘0’ before the ‘1’ or the ‘6’. Example: ; you will dial: Try using , since it’s ‘free’. Most, not all, students will have daily access to the internet. Skyping might be another free option if available. You will have a list of French hosts’ phone nos. and addresses.
Life with your French family: advice to students. Be very polite; use “vous” with parents and adults until invited to use the “tu” form. Offer to help out with the daily chores and in any way you can. Be a good sport--try out new foods and make new friends! Expect tight living quarters and sharing a bathroom. Keep your room super-clean. Keep clothes and stuff off the floor and the bed…
GOING OUT … ALWAYS inform your host parents, or get their permission, BEFORE you go somewhere. Then do what you agreed to. You MUST give advance notice to your host parents if you are not going to have dinner with them. NEVER GO OUT ALONE. Travel in three’s minimum.
More recommendations… Keep your host’s address and phone # with you at all times as well as Madame’s French cell phone #. For students with allergies to certain meds, it is a good idea to leave a note to that effect in French in your wallet. Bring a pocket dictionary. Leave your passport at your host’s home, in your stuff— where you KNOW it is SAFE. Copy your credit/debit # and info and leave it at your hosts’ home with your stuff, too. Bring a present for your correspondant and the host parents.
Spending Money [ 1€= $1.35] : Students will not pay for meals, lodging, and travel with the group. However, should students decide to go out on their own, they will be expected to pay for it. This usually happens a couple of times. Students need extra spending money for incidentals and shopping. Credit cards are best for purchases. Debit cards are best for cash advances. It’s useful to have cash on hand. ATM machines are everywhere. Check with your credit card companies for foreign purchase/exchange fees (usually competitive, 1.5-3%). Credit cards are very expensive for cash advances. AVOID travelers checks, they’re hard to cash!
Getting Around Students cover own metro expenses (if any) until Monday morning at school. By then I’ll have purchased Metro tickets cards for the week. The rest of the week is covered. Learn to keep an eye out while travelling in the city. Pick-pockets roam the tourist locations. Keep your bag/backpack in front of you (worn backwards), not behind or hanging low. Always travel in groups, never alone or by twos.
Do Not Forget to.. Bring your student ID! You will need it to get into certain museums for free. Bring your meds. Make sure you have health coverage (with repatriation). Bring a photocopy of your health card. Purchase additional health insurance, if you need or want to (United Airlines offers it).
Finally… 1. Contact information: The best way to contact Mme Hoffmann while in France will be at: I have a “French” cell phone I will use while there. Here is the # as it should be dialed from the US: There will be a mandatory meeting for students on Tuesday, March 20 at 2:45 pm in room 253.