Presented by David LESENS Tuesday 29 November 2011 Hi-Lite project – Case Study ASTRIUM Space Transportation
10/ 05/ p2p2 Overview Introduction Astrium Space Transportation Case study SCADE modelling Data handling Numerical algorithm Event driven Feedbacks on Alfa Gnatprove Conclusion
10/ 05/ p3p3 Astrium case study
10/ 05/ p4p4 Event drivenData flow driven & algorithms ECS EPC EAP ECS EPC EAP ECS EPC EAP Acquisition of measurement Sensors Send commands to actuators Actuators GNC Compute the commands Control Where shall I go ? Guidance Where am I ? Navigation EnvironmentEnvironment Data handling Middleware
10/ 05/ p5p5 Tools gnatpro-7.1.0w i686-pc-mingw32-bin hilite-0.1w i686-pc-mingw32-bin gps i686-pc-mingw32 aunit i686-pc-mingw32 SCADE Suite version 6.3 beta (build i9)
10/ 05/ p6p6 Overview Introduction Astrium Space Transportation Case study SCADE modelling Data handling Numerical algorithm Event driven Feedbacks on Alfa Gnatprove Conclusion
10/ 05/ p7p7 Solar wing deployment Thermal knives Thermal knives The Flight Application Software powers thermal knives in order to deploy the solar wings Acyclic events Redundancy (FDIR) Automaton oriented Software part modelled in SCADE
10/ 05/ p8p8 Software architecture in SCADE
10/ 05/ p9p9 Hierarchical automata
10/ 05/ p 1010 Mode automaton
10/ 05/ p 1111 Activation conditions
10/ 05/ p 1212 Automatic generated code
10/ 05/ p 1313 Overview Introduction Astrium Space Transportation Case study SCADE modelling Data handling Numerical algorithm Event driven Feedbacks on Alfa Gnatprove Conclusion
10/ 05/ p 1414 Data handling ECSS-E-70-41A “Space engineering – Ground systems and operations – Telemetry and telecommand packet Utilization”, 30 January 2003) Ground / board communications Vehicle management
10/ 05/ p 1515 Structure of telemetry / telecommand packets
10/ 05/ p 1616 Verification of telecommand packets
10/ 05/ p 1717 Definition of data bus
10/ 05/ p 1818 Access to the data bus
10/ 05/ p 1919 Monitoring list
10/ 05/ p 2020 Overview Introduction Astrium Space Transportation Case study SCADE modelling Data handling Numerical algorithm Event driven Feedbacks on Alfa Gnatprove Conclusion
10/ 05/ p 2121 Orientation of the ATV solar wings Optimisation of energy From SPARK to Alfa Algorithms
10/ 05/ p 2222 Mathematical library
10/ 05/ p 2323 Mathematical library with test cases Is the test cases defined for Sin32 applicable
10/ 05/ p 2424 Mathematical library: matrix product definition Classical “safe” way
10/ 05/ p 2525 Mathematical library: matrix product use Quite complex type definition
10/ 05/ p 2626 Mathematical library: matrix product definition Classical “unsafe” way / Hi-Lite “safe” way? Simple type definition
10/ 05/ p 2727 Overview Introduction Astrium Space Transportation Case study SCADE modelling Data handling Numerical algorithm Event driven Feedbacks on Alfa Gnatprove Conclusion
10/ 05/ p 2828 Automata (1/2)
10/ 05/ p 2929 Automata (2/2)
10/ 05/ p 3030 Overview Introduction Astrium Space Transportation Case study SCADE modelling Data handling Numerical algorithm Event driven Feedbacks on Alfa Gnatprove Conclusion
10/ 05/ p 3131 Ambiguity to missing parenthesis detected
10/ 05/ p 3232 Overloading of operators possible
10/ 05/ p 3333 Difficulty to write a contract (precision)
10/ 05/ p 3434 Powerful contract
10/ 05/ p 3535 Extensions Can this property be expressed as an invariant of the plan type?
10/ 05/ p 3636 Abstract variables
10/ 05/ p 3737 Abstract variables In SPARK, an abstract global variable would be defined. The contracts will then specified than only the "Run_Time" subprogram can modify this global variable In ALFA, such abstract global variables do not exist ++ mvm__obit__get_obit -- mvm__obit__run_time (unsupported construct) [Old attribute] ++ mvm__obit__get_obit -- mvm__obit__run_time (unsupported construct) [Old attribute]
10/ 05/ p 3838 Abstract variables: First solution The OBIT variable should be private ++ mvm__obit__get_obit ++ mvm__obit__run_time ++ mvm__obit__get_obit ++ mvm__obit__run_time
10/ 05/ p 3939 Abstract variables: Second solution ++ mvm__obit__get -- mvm__obit__run_time (unsupported construct) ++ mvm__obit__get -- mvm__obit__run_time (unsupported construct)
10/ 05/ p 4040 In this case, the contract is equivalent to the implementation
10/ 05/ p 4141 Overview Introduction Astrium Space Transportation Case study SCADE modelling Data handling Numerical algorithm Event driven Feedbacks on Alfa Gnatprove Conclusion
10/ 05/ p 4242 ********************************** Subprograms in Alfa : 68% (414/613)... already supported : 52% (321/613)... not yet supported : 15% ( 93/613) Subprograms not in Alfa : 32% (199/613) Subprograms not in Alfa due to (possibly more than one reason): unchecked conversion : 32% (194/613) ambiguous expr : 1% ( 7/613) Subprograms not yet supported due to (possibly more than one reason): generic : 39% (237/613) attribute : 5% ( 29/613) conversion : 4% ( 24/613) discriminant : 2% ( 11/613) slice : 2% ( 11/613) multi dim array : 0% ( 2/613) (...) Units with the largest number of subprograms in Alfa: ml-bits : 51% (197/389) ml : 100% (113/113) tmtc-data_pool : 85% (41/48) sgs-main : 100% (14/14) scade-ln1 : 100% (11/11) mvm-automaton : 100% (7/7) (...) Units with the largest number of subprograms not in Alfa: ml-bits : 49% (192/389) tmtc-data_pool : 15% (7/48) ********************************** Subprograms in Alfa : 68% (414/613)... already supported : 52% (321/613)... not yet supported : 15% ( 93/613) Subprograms not in Alfa : 32% (199/613) Subprograms not in Alfa due to (possibly more than one reason): unchecked conversion : 32% (194/613) ambiguous expr : 1% ( 7/613) Subprograms not yet supported due to (possibly more than one reason): generic : 39% (237/613) attribute : 5% ( 29/613) conversion : 4% ( 24/613) discriminant : 2% ( 11/613) slice : 2% ( 11/613) multi dim array : 0% ( 2/613) (...) Units with the largest number of subprograms in Alfa: ml-bits : 51% (197/389) ml : 100% (113/113) tmtc-data_pool : 85% (41/48) sgs-main : 100% (14/14) scade-ln1 : 100% (11/11) mvm-automaton : 100% (7/7) (...) Units with the largest number of subprograms not in Alfa: ml-bits : 49% (192/389) tmtc-data_pool : 15% (7/48) **********************************
10/ 05/ p 4343 ambiguous expr
10/ 05/ p 4444 Gnatprove Number of specification not in Alfa is 0 Number of body not in Alfa is 199
10/ 05/ p 4545 Proof Project: ml gnatprove --mode=prove -P ml.gpr Phase 1 of 3: frame condition computation... Phase 2 of 3: translation to intermediate language... ml-bits.adb:1385:07: warning: types for unchecked conversion have different sizes … raised CONSTRAINT_ERROR : no element available because key not in map alfa_report C:\Users\david\Mes documents\Developpement\TMTC\ADA\src\OBJ\gnatprov e\gnatprove.alfad failed. Analysis performed in 18 seconds (0 h 0 mn 18 s) (Start at 28/11/2011, 22h51mn25s and end at 28/11/2011, 22h51mn43s) gnatprove : 16 seconds (0 h 0 mn 16 s) Project: ml gnatprove --mode=prove -P ml.gpr Phase 1 of 3: frame condition computation... Phase 2 of 3: translation to intermediate language... ml-bits.adb:1385:07: warning: types for unchecked conversion have different sizes … raised CONSTRAINT_ERROR : no element available because key not in map alfa_report C:\Users\david\Mes documents\Developpement\TMTC\ADA\src\OBJ\gnatprov e\gnatprove.alfad failed. Analysis performed in 18 seconds (0 h 0 mn 18 s) (Start at 28/11/2011, 22h51mn25s and end at 28/11/2011, 22h51mn43s) gnatprove : 16 seconds (0 h 0 mn 16 s) Not yet investigated
10/ 05/ p 4646 Overview Introduction Astrium Space Transportation Case study SCADE modelling Data handling Numerical algorithm Event driven Feedbacks on Alfa Gnatprove Conclusion
10/ 05/ p 4747 Conclusion Alfa safer than Ada Alfa easier to use than SPARK Alfa misses some constructs (compared to SPARK)
10/ 05/ p 4848 Always a great support from AdaCore