Key Figures of the Russian Revolution
Alexander Kerensky Prime Minister of the Russian Provisional Government Supported Russia’s involvement in World War I after the February Revolution of 1917 Was ousted by the Bolsheviks Escaped from Russia to France Supported neither side during the Russian Civil War
Vladimir Lenin Leader of the Bolsheviks Led the October Revolution of 1917 and the Bolshevik Government Established CHEKA (Extraordinary Commission – secret police) Red Terror and War Communism Civil War and NEP (New Economic Policy) Dream of World Revolution
Leon Trotsky Second in Command during the October Revolution of 1917 Formerly led the Mensheviks Founder and leader of the Red Army Opposed Stalin and his policies Assassinated by Stalin’s agents in Mexico, 1940
Felix Dzerhinsky Known as “Iron Felix” First Director of the Bolshevik Secret Police (Cheka, later KGB, now FSB) Led persecution of political opposition during the Red Terror and the Russian Civil War
Joseph Stalin One of the leaders of the October Revolution of 1917 Leader of the Soviet Union and the Communist Party from 1924 to 1953 Succeeded Lenin Replaced NEP with Five- Year Plans (rapid, government-planned industrialization) “Socialism in one country”
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