Clean Room Labs Start this week Lectures will only be on Tuesday until further notice Lectures will only be on Tuesday until further notice You will meet in the Cameron clean room at your Team designated time You will meet in the Cameron clean room at your Team designated time Do not miss a Clean Room lab Do not miss a Clean Room lab If you do miss a clean room lab, you can attend another team’s time to get caught up If you do miss a clean room lab, you can attend another team’s time to get caught up
CAMERON Hall formerly know as Cameron Applied research Center (CARC) Craver Road
Main Entrance The clean room is just at the top of the stairs
Side entrance – Second Floor The clean room is just inside these doors
Second floor rear entrance to Cameron The clean room is in the opposite corner from this entrance, on the same floor
Main viewing window into the clean room Door to clean room is here
Enter the clean room gowning area – The TA will let you in Door to the clean room
Remove coats, hats, back packs, etc. and prepare to put on the clean room garments
Following the TA’s instructions – put on the clean room garments
Sign in sheet is located on wire table inside the garment change room Be sure to sign in – credit for attending the clean room sessions are taken from the sign in sheet
Locate and understand how to use the safety apparatus
Each team will receive a wafer box and 8 100mm silicon wafers Special tweezers are used to handle silicon wafers
Engr 1202 ECE Lab Micro Planar Antenna Traveler
Homework Assignment 1. Meet as a team 2. Select a team leader 3. Use the form listed for Assignment #6 4. Record members in attendance and time of meeting 5. Decide on application, Cellular, Bluetooth/Wi-Fi, RFID 6. Team leader to me with the time of meeting, team members in attendance, and your team’s choice of application 7. Preliminary choice - can be changed later