Shuichi NoguchiHayama ILC Lecture, Part III ILC BCD Cavity Maximum Use of Potential Performance Maximum Use of each Cavity Performance Maximum Availability
Shuichi NoguchiHayama ILC Lecture, Common Image is necessary How many Spare Cryomodules ? How many modules can we replace in a scheduled shutdown ? MTBF / Life Time ? How many critical component in a cryomodule ? Number of cavities to be repaired in a year ? How is the lowest gradient we have to operate ? Distribution of the Max. Gradient Where do we set the threshold gradient ?
Shuichi NoguchiHayama ILC Lecture, DESY
Shuichi NoguchiHayama ILC Lecture, ILC BCD Cavity Parameters ILC BCD Cavity I=10mA, 1.5msec. X 5HzACD IdeaProblem Comments MaterialNiobium BulkWell Established Nb/Cu Clad, Single Crystal Frequency1.3GHz Lower Frequency Operating Temperature2 k Number of Cell9 >9, Super Structure Gradient31.5 MV/m Performance Scatter35 MV/m Duty1.5 msec. X 5 HzPulse OperationDynamic Lorentz Detuning Cell ShapeElliptical Low loss Iris Aperture70 mm Smaller Aperture Wall Thickness2.8 mm Need Stiffener Input CouplerDouble Window CoaxialTunable CouplingComplexMany Candidates HOM Coupler High Pass + λ/ 4 Filter Compact JacketNb Endplate + Ti CylinderHigh Temperature TreatmentNot StiffTi Thick Endplate Tuner Stiffness, ReliabilityMany Candidates Magnetic ShieldOutside of JacketHigh Temperature Treatment Inside of Jacket Vacuum SealAl Alloy Hexagon
Shuichi NoguchiHayama ILC Lecture, Problems of Cavity for ILC Application Large Scatter of Maximum Gradient Large Dynamic Lorentz Detuning Long MTBF for Critical Components > 20 years --- < 5 % / year Maximum Use of Potential Performance Maximum Use of each Cavity Performance Maximum Availability
Shuichi NoguchiHayama ILC Lecture, Scatter of Maximum Gradient
Shuichi NoguchiHayama ILC Lecture, First TestBefore Installation After Installation Gradient Distribution
Shuichi NoguchiHayama ILC Lecture, Lorentz ( Maxwell ) Detuning K ja cket K tuner K cavity FF Fz Fr TESLA BladeSTF Slide JackSTF Ball Screw AHz/(MeV/m) BN/(MeV/m) df/dlHz/μm dF/dlN/μm331.8 KSN/μm KjacketN/μm KtunerN/μm Δf (30MV/m)Hz Fine Tuning Strokeμm
Shuichi NoguchiHayama ILC Lecture, Mechanical Oscillation Modes Multi-cell Mode (I) f = 87 Hz 1/9 Mode Multi-cell Mode (II) f = 169 Hz 2/9 Mode Tuner Mode f = 294 Hz Single-cell Mode f = 3.91 kHz 972 MH Cavity Tuner
Shuichi NoguchiHayama ILC Lecture, Dynamic Lorentz Detuning Results at TTF Pkly < 10 % → Detuning angle < 12 deg., f < 46Hz
Shuichi NoguchiHayama ILC Lecture, Stiff Jacket Baseplate (Ti) Thick Titanium Baseplate No Stiffener 2.8 t 3.5 t
Shuichi NoguchiHayama ILC Lecture, TTF Lever Arm Tuner Top Heavy
Shuichi NoguchiHayama ILC Lecture, TTF Blade Tuner
Shuichi NoguchiHayama ILC Lecture, A prototype coaxial ball screw tuner
Shuichi NoguchiHayama ILC Lecture, Slide Jack Tuner Piezo Stack Drive Shaft Taper Invar Rod Roller
Shuichi NoguchiHayama ILC Lecture, Tuner and Jacket Input Coupler Port Piezo Stack Slide Jack Drive Shaft Titanium Jacket Support Base Invar Rod 2K He Line Motor Outside Piezo Replacement OK
Shuichi NoguchiHayama ILC Lecture, Input Coupler Double Window to prevent Catastrophe due to Window Break To close the cavity in the clean room Tuneability ?
Shuichi NoguchiHayama ILC Lecture, TTF-3 Coupler
Shuichi NoguchiHayama ILC Lecture,
Shuichi NoguchiHayama ILC Lecture, Input Coupler for Baseline Cavity 5K cooling here 80K cooling here Beam pipe Warm window Door-knob conversion Cold window Vacuum port TRISTAN Type Coaxial Disk Ceramic 80 K 5 K 2 K Static Loss 5 W 1.1 W 0.05 W Dynamic Loss 3 W 0.2 W 0.03 W Qext = 2.0 x 10 6 Prf = 350 kW An improved input coupler design for simplicity with no tuning mechanism.
Shuichi NoguchiHayama ILC Lecture, Components for High Power Test Stand Input CouplersDoorknobs Coupling Waveguides
Shuichi NoguchiHayama ILC Lecture, Coupler Opening Piezo can be replaced
Shuichi NoguchiHayama ILC Lecture, HOM Coupler
Shuichi NoguchiHayama ILC Lecture, Gradient Control
Shuichi NoguchiHayama ILC Lecture, t VCVC VbVb VgVg VfVf V CW
Shuichi NoguchiHayama ILC Lecture, Coupling Dependence of Vacc
Shuichi NoguchiHayama ILC Lecture, Detuning Angle
Shuichi NoguchiHayama ILC Lecture, Input Power Error Coupling Error Tuning Error Phase Error Cavity Voltage Error & Gain Reduction Beam Phase
Shuichi NoguchiHayama ILC Lecture, Item Device Pros Cons Cost Power Variable Divider Power Efficient Can be equipped after Necessary for other Cavities Second Divider Can be equipped after Space, Not Power Efficient Q in Tunable Coupler Complicated Can not be equipped afterwards 3-Stube Tuner Can be equipped after Performance Measurement 3-MotorsMost Expensive Phase Shifter Can be equipped after Performance Measurement
Shuichi NoguchiHayama ILC Lecture, Rough Cost 30%50%70%100% Control Replace by Fix WG Need U-Part Replace by Tunable WG Manual Replace by Tunable WG Remote PowerAdd Second DividerFix Need Space Manual Remote Replace DividerFix*** Manual*** Remote*** Coupling Add 3-Stub TunerFix Need Space Manual All from the beginning Remote Tunable CouplerManual*** All from the beginningRemote***