Today is the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church Organised in Ireland by
sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Christians face persecution in 60 countries Red – Severe Orange – Significant Green – Limited
Today we focus on two countries Syria and Iraq
Islamic State militants have conquered large areas of both countries
In northern Iraq, hundreds of thousands of Christians have had to flee for their lives
Iraq Violence targeting religious minorities xhas raged throughout the country for zover 10 years Fewer than 200,000 Christians (one million have left) Major advance by Islamic State in xnorthern Iraq in 2014
Christian homes in Mosul were marked by Islamic State with the Arabic letter “N” for Nazarene (follower of Jesus)
Refugees worshipping in Dohuk, Iraq
Aid workers buying medicines in a pharmacy
Refugees queueing at a clinic
Shower units for a community centre
Miriam (from Qarraqosh) – faith in Jesus and forgiveness for Islamic State
PRAY for IRAQ Pray for wisdom and spiritual and physical strength for Christian leaders called to pastor, teach and serve those in great need and distress. Pray for emotional and physical healing for those who have escaped the terror of Islamic State. Pray for provision of daily necessities for refugee families and employment opportunities for those who can work.
Syria 250,000 people killed in the past four xyears of civil war Half the population (11 million people) xhas been displaced Huge exodus of Christians
President Bashar al-Assad has ruled Syria since 2000
Rebels have destroyed many churches
Church destroyed in Aleppo
Replacing the cross with the Islamic State flag
Some elderly Christian hostages released after months in captivity
Christians paying the jizya (Islamic tax)
PRAY for SYRIA Pray for an end to war and that leaders in Syria and world leaders would work together for peace. Pray that the needs of refugees (in Syria, in neighbouring countries and in Europe) will be met with compassion and generosity. Pray for the church that remains in Syria and especially for those who have been bereaved, injured or kidnapped.
Iraq and Syria will be featured in the next Church in Chains magazine (published in late November) Sign up today to receive your free copy Regular updates at