The Adventures of A3 Bible Time Travelers
And God saw that all that He had created was good, until, the “Fall of Man”
God had given Adam and Eve access to everything in the garden except the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil
Genesis 2:17
Unfortunately, Adam and Eve disobeyed and did eat from the Tree of Knowledge, and as a result, the sins of man spiraled out of control.
But even in his disobedience, God still loved man. So God set into motion His Redemptive Plan, a way to atone for sin and reconcile man back to Him.
It would require a perfect sacrifice that man could not provide. Therefore, God allowed His Only Son, Jesus to be humanly born from a virgin woman.
God’s Redemptive Plan began with Abraham Genesis 12:1-3
God promised Abraham that his people would be given the promised land. Through Abraham, all peoples on earth would be blessed.
Now Abraham and his wife Sarah were childless, but God blessed them in their old age with a son, Isaac.
Isaac grew up and married Rebekah who gave birth to Jacob.
Jacob married sisters, Leah and Rachel.
The sisters and their two hand maids bore Jacob twelve sons.
These sons of Jacob, minus Levi and Joseph, but with the addition of Joseph’s two sons, became the Twelve Tribes of Israel
They were God’s chosen people that He would lead to the Promised Land
Credits Scriptures are taken from the 1984 edition of the New International Version of the Bible. Images are from Google Free Images.