Sample Size R 蘇宸瑩 D 蔡靜雯
Biocompatibility (ISO 10993) Part 3. Tests for genotoxicity, carcinogenicity and reproductive toxicity Part 4. Selection of tests for interactions with blood Part 5. Tests for in vitro cytotoxicity Part 10. Tests for irritation and delayed-type hypersensitivity Part 11. Tests for systemic toxicity
Cytotoxicity (ISO ) Sample preparation a) an extract of the test sample b) the test sample itself.
Experiment I (N=1) PU gel (Cross-link: A > B) Extraction: 37°C, 24 hours Cell: human fibroblasts (Seeding density: 2000/cm 2 ) n = 4 ** p < 0.01 (Student’s t-test) **
Experiment I & II (N=2) Problem: How do we analyze these data for significant results? **
PCR used to amplify a few copies of a piece of DNA across several orders of magnitude, generating thousands to millions of copies of a particular DNA sequence. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Denaturation Annealing Elongation
Reverse transcription PCR DNA→ PCR (amplify) → Gel electrophoresis
Real-time PCR Also called quantitative PCR, Q-PCR
Fluoroance SYBR Green 1 dye TagMan® probe
Amplification plot
Relative Quantification
Data analysis Δ Ct = Ct(T) – Ct(E) ΔΔCt = ΔCt(S) – ΔCt(Ctrl) Copy number = 2 - ΔΔCt Example: T : Target gene E : Endogenous gene (internal control) S : Sample Ctrl : Control c- MycGAPDHΔ CtΔ Δ Ct T = T = 12 hr T = 24 hr T = 48 hr
Experiment I & II (N=2) Problem: How do we analyze these data for significant results? **
controlAB ODcellsOD /cellsODcellsOD /cellsODcellsOD /cells E E E E E E E E E E E E-06 Average 6.212E E E-06 exp./control controlAB ODcellsOD /cellsODcellsOD /cellsODcellsOD /cells E E E E E E E E E E E E-06 Average 4.217E E E-06 exp./control Experiment I Experiment II
Experiment I Experiment II Experiment I + II