Week 10 – welcome back REVIEW Feedback assignment 1 and 3 in Turnitin and handout re blogs Complete assignments two with team Presentations – mark as well as present Would you be ready to present this week? Next week is fine.
Review exercice – indiv/team For assignment three final blog - reflection on each week so what have we done Week ? Yet to complete Assignment three, presentation, What else would you like to cover on Professional Practice for study and work?
Presentation What topic is your group presenting on? Check to which CEO? What does that CEO want to know about the forthcoming visit? i.e. which part of assignment to present in seven minutes to gain most effect ?
Check marking guide Discuss the meaning of each term Presentation s Cultural practices of destination market /4 How relationships built, damaged /4 Characteristics of Maori Business upheld foreign country /4 Slides and transition of speakers /4 Speaking voice (clarity, loudness, expression) engagement with audience ( body language, eye- contact, liveliness) minimum use of notes /4
Team discussion two questions Discuss how to get rid of stage fright before your next presentation and What helps you make a better presentation?
Knowledge + Confidence = Credibility
Preparation Need to know – who is the audience? – what is the topic? – what is purpose of presentation? – where and when will it be happening? – what equipment will I have? – how long should it be? – any special requirements?
Planning Using the information –Decide on overall purpose and approach. (inform / create excitement / share bad news / etc) –Consider how to make information fit that purpose. (important bits / unimportant bits /how to sequence) –Think about language used. (technical / general / need definitions? / will they get it?) –Think about visual and other aids. (props / demonstration/ interaction /slides)
Connection Know your audience –Plan to use words they will be familiar with. –Dress to impress your audience. –Consider who they are/ how they relate. –Get there early and take ownership of the space. –Have back up (USB) and other plans. –If giving out notes tell them before, but do it after you speak.
Communication Think about main message –Structure talk & movement around that. –Introduce it (1) / state it (2) / summarise it (3). –Stay away from detail, unless important. –Dress, eye contact & body language will have more impact than your words (!)
Confidence Whatever happens - act professional. –Well planned and practised is over halfway there. –Keep smiling and never signal concern / nervousness. –Accept interruptions gracefully. –Be in control. It is all about you so make it yours and shine.
Team Presentations. Speaker 1 –create impact, intro topic, intro team, do their bit, intro next speaker. Speaker 2,3,4.. –thanks (1), links content to previous, presents section & details required, intro next speaker. Final Speaker –thanks (prev), links content to previous, summarises key points, closes, thanks audience, Q&A ?
Your credibility is your only currency – your audience has to TRUST you. In less than 1 minute – audience forms impression of you and your credibility based on what and how you say it. Credibility is about the knowledge you possess – about both your topic and your audience; and your confidence CREDIBILITY
Domain expertise – critical to establishing your authentic credibility. It is your expertise that gets you to speak in front of an audience. With expert knowledge comes the potential of losing your audience – use of jargon and assumptions that your audience don’t understand or cannot follow. KNOWLEDGE
You must understand your audience’s perspective.
Your job is to be in service of your audience. Your audience’s needs are paramount. UNDERSTAND your audience’s expectations for your presentation UNDERSTAND their experience with your topic UNDERSTAND their points of concern and resistance Knowledge of your audience
You must be motivated by the question: “What does my audience need to hear?”
The second critical component of credibility. Attitude and anxiety influence the perceptions of confidence. Managing this anxiety is KEY to confident and compelling delivery. Do not get anxious over the nervousness. Greet your anxiety as a normal, reasonable response to delivering a presentation. CONFIDENCE
Until the underlying cause of your anxiety is addressed, you are merely addressing the symptoms. Applying anxiety-management techniques designed for the source of your anxiety is the KEY to confidence Building.
Situation-based anxiety –Fear that arises from the context in which the presentation is being delivered (for example, a formal conference room with all eyes on you) Root cause: You see your presentation as a performance. Management technique: Reframe the situation as a conversation. ROOT CAUSES OF ANXIETY
Audience-based anxiety –Fear that arises from who you are speaking to (for example, your executive management team). Root cause: You are intimidated by the status, expertise and experiences of your audiences. Management technique: Visualize your speaking situation in advance of speaking. ROOT CAUSES OF ANXIETY
Goal-based anxiety –Fear that arises from the objectives your presentation is trying to achieve (for example, sell your product or get the funding). Root cause: You are concerned about the future consequences and ramifications. Management technique: Deliver your presentation while present-oriented. ROOT CAUSES OF ANXIETY
Taken together, your knowledge and confidence directly influences your audience’s perception of your credibility.
Do not invoke certain behaviours that can insidiously reduce our credibility. PITFALLS TO AVOID
Setting incredibly high and often unattainable standards. Result: Paralysis due to fear of all the possible things that could go wrong. Management technique: Create and enact contingencies. PERFECTIONISM
Confusing a slide deck for a presentation. Result: Too much time spent designing slides rather than structuring and practicing. Management technique: Develop an outline and practice delivery prior to adding aids. Power Point, Keynote….
Choosing to put off work. Result: Greater anxiety during “crunch time” and less practice time. Management technique: Publicly commit to a schedule and reward yourself. PROCASTINATION
Your audience forms impressions of you in less than 1 minute.
These impressions guide their receptivity to your message.
Appreciate the role your knowledge and confidence have in influencing your audience’s perceptions of you as a presenter.
Team written assignment Read and check assignment / marking guide Professional edited documents Spellcheck, citations in assignment and references page(s) One complete document for TURNITIN submit by One team member only Check originality, add “quotes” citations… Submit final copy to TURNITIN by same person
Practice Presentations Knowledge + confidence = credibility Knowledge of CEO – their perspective Stand up at front of room, practice Treat presentation like a conversation Key ideas on Powerpoint, Keynote Critique yourself, practice, Video? Mirror? Team members comments?
Administration How is your progress on tasks arising from the NAT test for Blog 6 Pathways Awarua 1000 credits if NAT 1,2,3, 4 then carry on Critical reading responses if NAT 5 6 try another article perhaps an academic journal
name of Team you are marking ……………………from Class……….. Excellent A-Very Good BGood CPoor, made an attempt D DNS E 1 Cultural practices of Destination mkt Excellent A- Almost perfectAdequateInadequateAbysmal or DNS 2 How relationships can be built or damaged Excellent A- Almost perfectAdequateInadequateAbysmal or DNS 3 Characteristics of Maori Business that can be upheld in new country Excellent A- Almost perfectAdequateInadequateAbysmal or DNS 4.Slides and transition of speakers Timing 7-10 minutes Excellent transition & choice of content, Clear parts well structured. ± 30 secs Almost perfect Transition, Very Good choice of content ± 1min Adequate transition Content ok perhaps off topic ± 2 mins Poor choice of content, poor transition. Technical issues or ±3 mins Abysmal or DNS 5. Clarity of voice and engagement with audience (clarity, loudness, expression, flair, humour, resources, body language, eye-contact, liveliness) Communicates very clearly, understood Varied tone, pace of voice Body language helps, e.g. freq eye contact, not read Excellent enthusiasm and held audience attention Communicates main points Voice clear, varied & audible Appropriate B/ language very little reading very enthusiastic audience loved it Voice is generally audible Some appropriate Body Language mostly read He she enjoyed job, Voice often unclear & inaudible Body Language inappropriate e.g. little or no eye contact all read. Poor reception by audience Abysmal or DNS
NoPresenter’s Name Comments: Highlights, areas for improvement Grade A, B,C, D, E or DNP (Did Not Present) Name of Group:
Moodle see Ass 2 folder: Self Assessment Form, submit Turnitin Your name and team members names Your effectiveness? Listening? Supporting others? Provided leadership? Worked hard? Creative suggestions? Rate team members, but give two examples to justify rating- Scale Very poor Excellent
Speed interviewing with industry, Wed 21 and 28 October Bldg 76 Workshop 21 Oct 1-3 pm RSVP: Then 28 Oct 3-6pm Speed Interviewing with industry -Network with some 20 companies RSVP2 Gain valuable feedback from mock interviews.., Enjoy hospitality
Surveymonkey Please complete online _Intro_to_Professional_Practice_P art1_2015_Sem2 Unitec also released another survey this week. Ok to comment on both in your blog 5 for assessment 3
Week 11 Presentations 7-10 minutes plus change over say 15 minutes to allow markers to complete sheets Draw for order Assistance with team marking - thanks
Exercise Think of an object, toy, device How can you describe it and use to class? What features (facts) and benefits (advantages) would you include in a presentation? You have one minute to present