Nature vs. Nurture Biological Field Study By Alex, Alejandro and Johan Happiness Twin Study (David Lykken1996)
Happiness Twin Study (David Lykken1996) The US Researcher David Lykken suggested that we have an innate base line or set point for happiness In 1996 Lykken and his colleagues published the results of the happiness twin study which compared happiness scores of identical and fraternal twins mostly white people from Minnesota
Identical Twins Identical twins are genetically identical so if both twins have the same score on variables such as happiness than researchers can rule out the possibility of environment. Researchers have found that identical twins are very similar in their happiness scores scores; it doesn’t matter if they were raised together or raised apart.
Fraternal twins Fraternal twins do not share the same patterns at all. Fraternal twins do not look like each other any more than other siblings
Criticisms It is difficult to compare twins that are raised together and twins that are raised apart because it is a small sample The researchers have to assume that the twins share the same environment this is true for identical twins to an extent but less for fraternal twins who may be different sexes
Results キ The Reaserachers concluded that each indivdual has a genetically influenced set point for his or here general felllings of happiness キ 50% of the differences are genetically determined キ 10% of the variance in happiness levels can be placed on situational factors (rich or poor, healthy or unhealthy) キ 40% is within peoples own control
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