CSNav Milestone-Saved Scholarships
Have students log in to their CSNav account at: csnav.org and click on “View Your Planning Milestones”.
Next they should locate “Saved Scholarships” and click on the link to “Find Scholarships” on the right side of the page.
Students may search for scholarships by entering the name of a scholarship in the search box or by using the scholarship finder.
The “Scholarship Finder” tool helps students to build a profile that will match them to a list of suggested scholarships. To add information, click the Add/Change button for a category. Each category asks for specific details that apply to the student.
After highlighting the information, click on add to your list then update your profile. If you add the wrong information, simply highlight it and click to remove it. After updating your profile the page will return to the scholarship page.
Continue adding information to the profile. Once they have completed the profile click on the link for see matching scholarships.
They will see a list of scholarships that can be researched.
Have students select a scholarship and click on it
The next page will show specific details about the scholarship.
Have the students add the scholarship to their portfolio by clicking the link on the right side of the page. They may review and update their scholarship profile anytime by clicking on the link to “Your Scholarship Profile” on the left side of the page.
To check for completion of this milestone, have the students click the Home icon at the top of the page. Then click “View Your Planning Milestones”. They will see numbers based on how many scholarships were saved in the portfolio.