Michael Broski Jonathan Mulvaine Josh Schortgen Phillip Byers TEAM BOAR
The objective of this project is to roast a complete hog (approximately 150 lbs) at a constant user-specified temperature until the internal temperature of the two thickest parts of the meat reaches the desired user-specified temperature. When the hog reaches the second specified temperature, a user-configured timer will start down, which upon completion will notify the user via remote that the meat is considered cooked and ready for consumption. The roaster must use propane as an energy source, regulate the ambient temperature in the tank, withstand hazardous outdoor conditions, and wirelessly transmit readouts to a remote display device that is sized to be comfortably placed in the users pocket or on the user’s keychain. ABSTRACT
The block diagram below is the most up to date plan of action for interfacing with the base station. ABSTRACT CONTINUED
An ability to measure the internal temperature of two separate points in the meat and the temperature inside the roaster using RTD sensors. An ability to control the temperature inside the roaster by modifying gas flow using a PWM signal to operate a voltage controlled gas valve. An ability to store and load cooking profiles from memory. An ability to automatically ignite and detect whether a flame is present. An ability to wirelessly communicate temperature information to a remote display device. PSSC’S
The Microcontroller used (MC9S12H256VPVE) will be the main control of the base station for the hog roaster. Xbee Wireless – SCI LCD – SPI & PTT Digital Input – ~5 I/O Pins Sensor Data – ATD Propane Flow Valve - PWM Tx and Rx of SCI to control Xbee 1 SPI Port to drive the LCD Data Port T will drive the LCD command pins Port A will read the state of the pushbuttons and RPG Port AD will control the sensor input data from the temperature sensors Port B will be used to control the flow rate valve and the automatic ignition HARDWARE DESIGN
Mock Up BASE STATION MC9S12H256VPVE Xbee Wireless Module Microcontroller Tx Rx TxRx ~ 120VAC Power Supply 5V 160x128 LCD PTT SPI Shift Register PTA {…} BDM VALVE 3.3V PTB RTD PTAD Amplification Circuit LPF with Gain Controller Ignite
The circuits here are used to provide a secondary translation to provide the microprocessor with more meaningful data it can use. SECONDARY CIRCUITS This circuit is used to control the voltage-to-pressure valve used to regulate the gas flow from the propane tank. This circuit is a low pass filter with gain. It takes an input of ~100kHz PWM signal with a duty cycle between %. An increase of the duty cycle results in a decrease of the DC output due to the inverting op-amp This circuit will be used to amplify the output of the temperature sensors. Due to the fact that the temperature sensors only output around mV, the onboard ATD converter would not be able to accurately use the data. Therefore the output will first be amplified to provide a swing of at least 1-3V, allowing for greater accuracy.
Mock Up WIRELESS REMOTE Vibrator Xbee Wireless Module Tx Rx TxRx MC9S12C32 Buzzer 16x2 LCD Shift Register PTT SPI PWM {..} Pushbuttons PTAD