The ‘roaring twenties’ Key characteristics of the ‘roaring twenties’ How is America Governed?
How is America governed? The Constitution and the Federal Government
A Union of States The USA was born on 4 July 1776 when 13 British colonies in North America declared that they wanted to be independent. After fighting the War of Independence against Britain, the Americans joined the 13 colonies together in a new nation. The original 13 states are remembered by the 13 strips on the American flag. Since then other states have joined and are represented by the stars – 50 in total.
The Constitution The Constitution is a set of rules describing how America must be governed. Part of it, the Bill of Rights, also describes the rights of the people. The Constitution describes the federal government system. This means that each state has its own government, but there is also a central government for the whole country. The central government, based in Washington DC, as ‘specified powers’ over foreign policy, defence, trade, currency and the postal service. Other powers are kept by the individual state government who can and do have different laws from each other.
Central Government The President The President of the USA combines the role of Head of the Government (the British PM) and Head of State (like the British monarch). The President is elected directly by people. The President is also the Commander-in-Chief of the army and navy. The President is elected every four years. Congress Congress makes laws. It also decides on taxation, and declares war or agrees peace. It can accept or reject the policies of a President. Like the British Parliament Congress has two houses – but both are elected Supreme Court The Supreme Court has nine judges. They are not elected but are chosen by the President with the Senate’s agreement. They make sure that the President and Congress obey the rules of the Constitution. They have to decide whether the new laws are ‘constitutional’. House of Representatives Senate
Political Parties Democrats Tends to be Liberal – it favours helping the poor and the old. e.g. Bill Clinton, Franklin Roosevelt, George Washington. Republicans More conservative – it often supports businessmen and wealthy people. e.g. George Bush, Herbert Hoover, Abraham Lincoln.
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