Workshop 8: Turning Points Name Period Read 180
Positive - adjective Very sure that something is right Syn: Sentence:
Involved - adjective Included in a group, activity, or event Syn: Sentence:
Dramatic - adjective Very large and exciting (or sudden)
Attitude - noun An opinion or feeling about something Syn: Sentence:
Persist - verb To continue to do something even if it is difficult Syn: Sentence:
Purpose - noun A reason for doing something Syn: Sentence:
Harassed - verb Picked on or made fun of Syn: Sentence:
Initiate - verb To start something Syn: Sentence:
Bond - noun A feeling of connection between people or groups Syn: Sentence:
Option - noun A choice Syn: Sentence:
Pity - verb To feel sorry for someone Syn: Sentence:
Approximately - adverb Figured out by guess or estimate Syn: Sentence: