Redesigned DBQs For APUSH
Document Based Question There will be a prompt You will be provided with a set of documents Never more than 7 15 minutes recommended for planning Taking notes in margins Thinking of outside information 45 minutes recommended for writing If you can squeesh in some time to review it that will help too
Differences from other AP DBQ formats AP WORLD Document centric APUSH Outside knowledge more impactful on score
1 of These Historical Thinking Skills Causation Why this stuff happened - Long Term / Short Term Change and continuity over time Comparison Time periods, regions, ethnic, social, etc… Interpretation POVs Periodization How do we understand this period, milestones, turning points, etc… !!This is aBIG CHANGE!!
ALL of These Historical Thinking Skills Historical argumentation Appropriate use of relevant historical evidence Contextualization Synthesis Connect the ideas and come to a greater understanding
The Basics Formulate a thesis that answers ALL parts of the question and support it with historical evidence Analyze and synthesize historical sources (the documents) AND include outside information as historical evidence to support your thesis. Do all supplemental readings that are given this year
The DBQ is NOT about the documents DO NOT summarize the documents DO NOT explain them DO NOT quote them like a middle schooler Use them as you read them and develop your thesis Underline key words Put things in the margins Its not about what you know, its about what you can prove Use evidence from the documents to advance and prove your thesis
How to score a 9 … 7 1.Read the prompt x3 2.Dig into your sources 3.Make and outline 4.Start writing 5.Keep writing 6.Wrap it up (you’re not funny) SIX STEP STRATEGY
Thesis (1 point) Thesis that directly addresses all parts of the question
Analysis of Historical Evidence (4 points) Majority of documents =1pt Majority of documents and A-D below =2pts All but 1 of the documents AND show one of the following… A.Historical context B.Intended audience C.Purpose D.POV E.Outside info that supports your thesis (1)
Contextualization (1 point) Explicitly connects historical phenomena relevant to the thesis to a broader historical context
Synthesis (1 point) Extend or modify thesis OR Account for contradictory evidence OR Connect to other historical period OR Draw from other fields or disciplines to support thesis