Date: 16 July 2015 Presenter: Agatha R Gandidze Title: basic hygiene and technique
Introduction What is Milk: Milk is a white opaque solution of water in oil emulsion. Constituents of milk This makes milk very nutritious not just to the animals and humans but to another group called microorganisms. WaterSolidsFatProteinLactoseMinerals 87.5%12.5%3.5%3.4%4.8%0.8%
Where does Milk come from? Comes from mammals, but in our case cows. Milk is secreted in the udder of the cow and at the time the milk leaves the udder it is sterile. So the question is : Where does contamination come from? TBCs, SCC, (Foreigners in our Milk)
Sources of contamination So what do we do about these three sources of contamination Source of Contamination Examples Environment Air Floors Processing rooms Human Beings Work force (During Milking) Milk Contact Surfaces Milking Machinery Storage vessels (tanks and/ cans) Transportation tankers or cans Processing Equipment Packaging
Basic Hygiene and techniques Hygiene: Condition and or practices conducive to maintaining health and preventing disease especially cleanliness Hygiene: A degree to which people keep themselves or their environment clean especially to prevent disease The word is derived from the Greek word which means the art of health/ healthy
Why hygiene /Why Clean? Accumulation of undesirable micro-organisms in the equipment; Development of bad smells in the equipment which pass on to the product; Loss of efficiency in a dirty separator; Possible corrosion of metal parts due to lactic acid; Mould growth on wooden surfaces leading to mould contamination in the product and discolouration of the churn surface; and Contamination of the product with pathogens.
Cleaning Techniques Indentify the Types of Soils g Type of SoilSourcesWhat is it? Organic Coming from the milk Milk Fats Proteins Sugars Inorganic Coming from the water & Chemicals used combination. Salts and Minerals Calcium Magnesium Iron
Cleaning Technique Indentify the Equipment, (Pipe, Tank, Heat exchanger) Indentify the System: Manual, Semi automated or fully automated.
Cleaning Technique Identify the correct type of cleaning : Manual or CIP Identify the correct cleaning equipment and detergents
Follow the cleaning protocol Manual Cleaning: Pre-Rinse Wash Post-Rinse Sanitation Important aspects to take care of : Temperature Concentration of detergent Contact time Force Quality of water
Critical Areas to take care of Groves Valves Joints Unsmooth surfaces Bends Plastic containers: Clean ability
Follow the cleaning protocol CIP Use of automated CIP Plants Follows a sequence Important Issues to control Temperature /Time Concentration Flow
C.I.P EquipmentSequenceTime (mins)Temperature (°C) PipelinesRinse440°C Wash1065°C Rinse640°C TanksRinse540°C Alkaline1065°C Rinse740°C Heat ExchangersPre-Rinse560°C Alkaline2075°C Rinse575°C Acid1575°C Rinse10Coldwater
Cleaning of tanks