Objectives Rules & Regulations Personal Appearance Special Instructions Grading System
This course is the first exposure for a dental student to basic general knowledge related to learn how to communicate with patients and interview them. Gain knowledge of normal extra-oral and intra-oral structure. (clinical anatomy).
Objectives Assessment of general appraisal and mental status of patients, also know the common sign & symptoms of diseases. This course is designed to provide a guide to know appropriate way to perform clinical examinations, understand and assess the patients problems. The course also will introduce some medical and dental terminology.
Rules & Regulations
Attend to the clinic on time every clinical session. Any misuse of instruments, cheating on exams, forging instructors signature, practicing any dental work without authorization or during off time are forbidden, can result in a failing mark.
Rules & Regulations Should report any malfunction of equipment immediately to avoid complete damage. Avoid gathering with fellow students at work unless advised by instructor for demonstration purpose. Never stop the clinical procedure suddenly and get involved in conversation with others.
Rules & Regulations NOT to discuss any mistakes or display any lack of knowledge with hearing or visual range of the patient. “Show self confidence” Never criticize the work of other dentists especially their previous dentists in the patients presence. Take every opportunity to educate the patient in oral health, and keep the patient well informed about their next visit.
Rules & Regulations Dentists Duties : Duty to inform the patient of the diagnosis. Duty to refer the patient when indicated. Duty to provide treatment once initiated. Duty to obtain informed consent prior to treatment.
Rules & Regulations Termination of the Doctor-Patient relationship : 1. The reason for this termination SHLOUD be legal. 2. The patient must have reasonable and adequate notice of the Doctor’s intent to terminate.
Rules & Regulations Termination of the Doctor-Patient relationships cont’d: 3. The patient must be informed of alternative sources of care. 4. The patient’s record must be made available to the patient and to any designated health care provider.
Rules & Regulations Patients Records: 1. There is no fixed form to follow, but necessary relevant information should be documented, (KSU forms). 2. Patients consent is obligatory.
Rules & Regulations Patients Records cont’d: 3. Radiographs can be used as diagnostic tools as well as a source of legal documentation. 4. Confidentiality.
Personal Appearance
Professionalism Clinician should wear a fresh, clean pressed clinical gown. Not to carry any instruments in the pockets. Should wear mask if have cold (cross infection). Not to chew gum while working on patients.
Personal Appearance Professionalism : cont’d The dental student must set the example for patients. Smoker clinician should use a mouth wash, bad breath from a clinician is inexcusable. Maintaining body cleanliness daily by taking a regular bath. Clean nails, gloves and mask.
Special Instructions
Special instructions The clinical manual should be available during ALL clinical sessions. Assigned instructor for each group (orientation, demonstration, discussion and evaluation. All forms should be signed by the group’s instructor. At the end of the course, each students should complete examination on fellow student in addition to examination of 2 patients.
Grading System
Grading Evaluation form should be filled by the student and handed to the assigned instructor. Major discrepancies: Complete omission of vital data. Information obtained is not in agreement with the record. Minor discrepancies: Omission of data with no major significance. Misnaming of type of restorations. Mis-identifying normal oral structures.