Session 17 So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. – Genesis 1:27
The Church needs wisdom for functioning and ministering in a culture that has legalized homosexual marriage.
Is it here to stay? Probably yes. Therefore our primary response must not be political.
We must not offer a “pinch of incense” on cultural altars!
The Church needs a biblical theology of civil disobedience, primarily in the area of “hate speech codes.”
Are broken Christian marriages within the Church any less of a problem than gay marriage outside of the church?
Question Is it loving to remain silent when someone is on a dangerous path?
Gay marriage can only exist in a culture that embraces moral relativism.
The irony of moral relativism as a worldview is that there are no true moral relativists. Everyone is a moral absolutist.
There is also an important role for positive case apologetics. “We believe the Bible is the Word of God and is the authoritative standard for life because…”
Defending biblical marriage and refuting gay marriage is best done by critiquing moral relativism. This approach is based upon Romans 2:14-15 and Acts 17:30-31.
Even the most “tolerant” people have many things they will not tolerate!
A troubled conscience is easily provoked to anger. (Romans 1:32; 1 Peter 4:3-4) Who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them. Romans 1:32
Make use of 3 questions 1. Is it wrong? 2. Why is it wrong? 3. How do you know?
We are seeking to identify the moral absolutes held by the gay marriage advocate.
A 70 year old man wants to marry his 17 year old granddaughter…
At some point the absolute will be identified… The person who refuses to acknowledge any absolute is being dishonest = this is a refutation.
Make use of the 3 questions of The Rights Fight 1. What is a right? 2. From where do rights come? 3. How do you know?
Two Challenges 1. Is homosexuality a genetic predisposition? 2. Is it true 10 percent of the population is homosexual? 1. Is homosexuality a genetic predisposition? 2. Is it true 10 percent of the population is homosexual?