Monday Warm Up Use the map to the left for the following questions? 1.Which empire is indicated by the red portion of the map? 2.Which empire is indicated by the green portion of the map? 3.. Using map #2, what empire was located the area known as Iran in 1500? 1.4. What trade route is indicated by the orange lines on map #2? 2.5. The numeral system we use today originated where?
Important Terms-Foldable 7 terms Usury-lending money at unfairly high interest rates Secular-things that have no religious or spiritual basis Indulgence-a pardon for sins. Dissenter-one who disagrees in matters of opinion or belief Predestination- advance decision by God that establishes everything that will happen (lack of freewill).
The Catholic Church In 1500 Catholicism was the only major form of Christianity. Following the Renaissance, many began to question “the Church”
Reformation Reformation-the process of changing an institution or practice
Reasons people began to call for reform: 1.The Church was wealthy and held political power
Reasons for reform: 2. Merchants were tired of paying taxes to the church
Reasons for reform 3. German and English nobles were jealous of Italian domination of the church (the Pope was located in Rome)
Reasons for reform 4. Church corruption –-selling of indulgences – Pope spending the church’s money
Martin Luther Wrote 95 Theses (formal statements) attacking the church and nailed them to the door of the church in Wittenburg, Germany. His actions began the Reformation. Considered the founder of the Protestant church /watch?v=dt5AJr0wls0
Lutheran Tradition Salvation by faith alone Bible as ultimate authority (not the church) All humans are equal before God Lutheran Tradition
John Calvin & The Calvinist Tradition John Calvin spread the Protestant movement in France. –Predestination –Faith revealed by living a righteous life –Value Work Ethic
King Henry VIII First a critic of Luther and was known as “Defender of the Faith” by the pope. Wanted a divorce, Catholic church would not allow it. Broke England’s ties with the Catholic church for political, not religious reasons. Became head of the national church in England EGzHsye71c
Queen Elizabeth I Anglican church in England to please both Catholics and Protestants Tolerated dissenters
Why is the Reformation important?
Historical Head Activity Fill your Historical Head with facts and information about the person you are assigned. Also, use colored pencils to make the person resemble the person. –1. Martin Luther-p –2. Queen Elizabeth I p. 60 –3. King Henry VIII p –4. John Calvin p
Exit Slip
Map Review 3 Volunteers to pass out: –Markers –White boards –Erasers
Speech Bubble Activity Read about Catholic and Protestant views on each of the topics listed. Write a clever, funny, truthful response in each of the blank speech bubbles. The funniest one wins a prize!