EDUG 22 May 2014 Reykjavik, Iceland Libbie Crawford Product Manager, DDC OCLC Dewey Tools
Agenda Dewey Product Update WebDewey: Number building Assistant Fiction Finder: Redefining Dewey products: What is working? For whom? Solving the problem of addressing Dewey editions
Products & services DDC 23—Available Abridged Edition 15—Available 200 Religion—Available WebDewey 2.0+ For more information see
WebDewey 2.0
New Basic Search screen
Sample A15 PDF of schedule page
Number Building Tool Overall workflow Find starting number/span with add instruction, else find base number Click Start/Add System displays notation specified by add instruction or displays Table 1 (in final step) Number building complete? As needed, user navigates to next number/span with add instruction or base number Verify the number is correct, click Save User term box appears, select user terms User term needs to be changed? Edit term, click Update Additional term needed? Create additional term, click Add Select term to set as caption Save as institutional or personal visibility Verify presence in the hierarchy Contribute to Dewey Editors (optional) If not contributed to Dewey Editors, new number visible only to institution or person No Yes NoYes No
Process of building Journal of high explosives Navigate to this number/span ClickNumber built so far Caption of last number/notation added Start662.27High explosives T1—05Add Serial publications
Process of building Journal of high explosives –- steps 1 and 2
Process of building Encyclopedia of aptitude testing Navigate to this number/span ClickNumber built so far Caption of last number/notation added Start153.94Aptitude tests T1—03Add Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances Note: As seen in this example, the number building engine responds to the presence of schedule numbers indicating that standard subdivisions are on more than 1 zero (in this case, Standard subdivisions).
Process of building Encyclopedia of aptitude testing –- step 1
Process of building Encyclopedia of aptitude testing –- step 2
Process of building Encyclopedia of aptitude testing –- step 3 and results
Process of building Scuba diving in the Cayman Islands Navigate to this number/span ClickNumber built so far Caption of last number/notation added Start Scuba diving T1— Add Specific... localities... T2—72921Add Cayman Islands
Process of building Scuba diving in the Cayman Islands –- steps 1 and 2
Process of building Scuba diving in the Cayman Islands –- step 3
Process of building Scuba diving in the Cayman Islands –- step 4
Process of building Scuba diving in the Cayman Islands –- step 5
Process of building Scuba diving in the Cayman Islands –- results
Process of building History of Jews in Romania Navigate to this number/span ClickNumber built so far Caption of last number/notation added Start9History... T2—498Add949.8Romania : Add Specific ethnic and national groups T5—924Add Hebrews, Israelis, Jews
Process of building History of Jews in Romania –- step 1
Process of building History of Jews in Romania –- step 2
Process of building History of Jews in Romania –- step 3
Process of building History of Jews in Romania –- step 4
Process of building History of Jews in Romania –- step 5
Process of building History of Jews in Romania –- step 6
Process of building History of Jews in Romania –- step 7
Process of building History of Jews in Romania –- results
Fiction Finder Fiction FinderFiction Finder is a works-based based application that provides access to millions of works of fiction described in WorldCat records for books, eBooks, audio books, movies and television. You can search by person, place, topic, genre, character, Dewey and more." Fiction Finder was developed by OCLC Research.
Advanced Search for title “Cinderella”
Link from term “other folk tale” in record
Advances Search in Fiction
Start of the Tsumami! record
Cookbook Finder An experimental works-based application that provides access to thousands of cookbooks and other works about food and nutrition.