CARBOHYDRATES SUPPLY ENERGY Images from: Cells burn GLUCOSE for their energy needs Remember !
EXERCISE and ENERGY ________term exercise like 50 yd dash Cells keep only enough ATP for a few Seconds of activity. Once this ATP is used up muscle cells can use _____________ fermentation for about ______________ of energy. SHORT LACTIC ACID 90 seconds
EXERCISE and ENERGY Once race is over, _______________ must be broken down using oxygen. A quick sprint builds up an OXYGEN debt that must be repaid by ______________________ heavy breathing Image from: Lactic acid
LONG TERM EXERCISE and ENERGY For exercise longer than 90 seconds _____________________ is the only way to make enough ATP. Cellular respiration gets ______________ from glucose than fermentation. Well conditioned athletes must pace themselves during a long race. more energy Cellular respiration
Animal cells store GLUCOSE as _____________ to use later. Image from: GLYCOGEN REMEMBER What happens in a long race when the body’s glucose all is used up?
EXERCISE and ENERGY (LONGER term energy) ________________ store glucose as ________________ which can be broken down into glucose to supply energy for_______________ of activity. MUSCLES minutes glycogen
DID YOU EVER CARBO LOAD? Eating a high carbohydrate meal before a big game or race fills up your _____________ reserves in your muscles GLYCOGEN
EXERCISE and ENERGY (LONGER term energy) After glycogen stores are used up the body begins to break down ________ That’s why aerobic exercise must continue for longer than 20 minutes if you want to lose weight! FAT Image from: