Abdominal Pain Scenario 2 Skills Practicum
You Are working in the ER as a nurse.
Patient 23 year old Male arrived at Emergency Room by private vehicle He states he is having abdominal pain that started early this morning. It is now 1100.
What do you do?
What you see and what he says He is a little pale and anxious No trauma Nothing like this before No travel Nauseated and hot Ate last night. No previous hx of surgery No diarrhea Sudden onset of pain
Nursing Assessment Temperature: 101 °C Respirations: 24 Blood Pressure: 152/95 Pulse: 96 Pulse Oximetry: 95% Lungs clear bilaterally Heart sounds S1S2 (lub dub) are regular Bowel sounds hypoactive throughout Abdomen tender all over but more in RLQ Involuntary guarding
Dr.’s Assessment and Tests Lab – CBC with differential and chemistry UA – strain the urine IV at 100cc/hr Pain medication per orders after surgical consult
Initial treatments
What do you think is wrong with the patient?