Unit 1 Vocabulary- Biggie Third Grade
Johnny Depp has acted in a lot of movies. Part of Speech ***** v. to play a part in a movie or to do something perform none synonyms antonyms When Paul saw his bike getting stolen he acted at once and called the police. Johnny Depp has acted in a lot of movies.
interesting way; creative. Part of Speech ***** adj. clever Being smart in an interesting way; creative. synonyms antonyms smart, wise The clever girl figured out the answer to the riddle. unintelligent
Being positive or confident about something. certain Part of Speech ***** adj. Being positive or confident about something. unsure synonyms antonyms sure I’m certain that it is going rain, so I brought my umbrella.
v. explore To go somewhere and look around look around Part of Speech ***** v. To go somewhere and look around synonyms antonyms look around Jenny loves to explore caves and look at the bats. none
n. habit Something that someone does a lot. tendency, inclination Part of Speech ***** n. Something that someone does a lot. synonyms antonyms She has a habit of biting her nails every time she is scared. tendency, inclination disinclination
To find out where something is. locate Part of Speech ***** v. To find out where something is. synonyms antonyms find My mother helped me locate the lost remote control so I could watch TV. none
Very different from something else. opposite Part of Speech ***** adj. Very different from something else. synonyms antonyms different The people were walking in opposite directions; one went left and one went right. same
To suffer or die from not having enough food to eat. starve Part of Speech ***** v To suffer or die from not having enough food to eat. synonyms antonyms fast The dog was not being fed and almost starved. gorge
A natural skill for doing something well. talent Part of Speech ***** n. A natural skill for doing something well. synonyms antonyms ability, skill LeBron James has a wonderful talent for playing basketball well. weakness
Something valuable or worth a lot treasure Part of Speech ***** adj Something valuable or worth a lot synonyms antonyms riches The pirates always guarded their treasure very carefully. debt