Why do you think people attend college or university?
I think the reason why people attend College these days is because they’re investing in their future.
People attend college today because they’ve realized you have to have a good education in order to get a good-paying job.
I think people go to college for a couple of different reasons. I think for some people it’s just what you do after high school, it’s just the next step;
I think students also like to go to college because it helps them to develop socially and emotionally as well.
First off, because you need to do something with your life; you have to end up getting a job somewhere, and it’s a lot easier to get a job if you have an education;
I think people attend college or university to improve their lives because they feel that it is the most direct way to get into the workforce and to have a productive and successful career; also for personal growth and enrichment, just as a human being.
They want a career that is going to pay them a good salary and make them a comfortable living.
How do movies or television influence people’s behavior? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.
Oh, by far, people have always been influenced by television or movies. Look at – look at Johnny Depp.
I remember when my kids were littler, they would watch something on TV and they would act it out, and that definitely tells me that what you watch on TV can influence your behavior.
I do think that movies and television influence people’s behavior. It might not always be really obvious, but a lot of times in movies things come easily to people and I think in real life, you might assume that things will come easily for you and so you may act in a way that maybe you shouldn’t because you’ve seen it on TV...
Movies have a huge effect on people, especially younger people. I think that violence and drugs in movies and on television have a huge effect on people’s behavior.
But I think that people end up seeing that behavior on TV, and they imitate what they see. And that’s – that’s what I think about that.
I find it hard to believe that movies and television really influence people’s behavior – at least adults – you can certainly see this more in children who might change their hairstyle to look like a favorite character or adopt some of the mannerisms of a movie character or TV character...but I would be surprised if it had any direct impact on the behavior of adults.
How do movies or television influence people’s behaviors? A perfect example of how television influences us is Pokemon. Pokemon is a famous cartoon...
I’m a believer that it is a combination of art imitating life, and life imitating art. I think what we see on TV is a reflection of our behavior and it can also influence our behavior, so it’s a two-way street in that respect. Some people do act out what they see on television and in the media, and some people would never act that way but would still watch a television program that has actions in it that doesn’t really fit with their morals or principles or ethics. So I think it could be a little bit of both, but television definitely can influence people’s behavior.