Introduction LANCE UWG 10/20/15 Karen Michael EOSDIS System Manager/LANCE Manager
Land, Atmosphere Near Real-time Capability for EOS (LANCE) The goal of LANCE is to provide near real-time (NRT) data products within 3 hours of observation to meet the timely needs of applications users. LANCE provides NRT data and imagery from the AIRS, AMSR2, MISR, MLS, MODIS and OMI instruments much quicker than routine processing allows. LANCE is a virtual system that leverages existing EOSDIS Components and consists of an umbrella set of requirements to ensure consistency, collaboration, coordination 4 Air Quality - Dust storms – Fires – Vegetation for agricultural monitoring – Floods – Ash Plumes – Drought – Smoke Plumes – Sea Ice for shipping – Severe Storms
LANCE Requirements Implement redundancy to ensure operational availability Provide metadata to ECHO Provide metrics to EMS Provide imagery to GIBS Require users to login via Earthdata Maintain a minimum of a 7-day rolling archive and maximum of 14-days Provide user services and inform users of planned downtime Obtain the latest algorithms from the science team for incorporation into LANCE Work with the science team to compare NRT products to standard products and identify and document differences
LANCE – A Component of EOSDIS The Land Atmosphere Near-real time Capability for EOS (LANCE) is a distributed system that generates and distributes near real-time (NRT) products from the following instruments: Terra: MODIS, MISR (being added) Aqua: MODIS, AIRS Aura: MLS, OMI GCOM W1: AMSR2 SNPP: VIIRS, OMPS (being added) 6
LANCE System Architecture 7