Dictionary Skills 2nd Grade
Why Use a Dictionary? to see how to spell a word principal to learn how to say a word correctly (prin-suh-puhl) to find what the word mean A principal is a person who leads a school. to see how to use words in sentences The students listened to the principal as he spoke about how to behave in the school. Have students brainstorm the different uses. Put on the side of the whiteboard. When finished, display uses.
Guide Words and Entry Words Guide words – show the first word and the last word on the page. The guide words on this page are painting and panda Entry words – are in ABC order. In this dictionary, they appear in red.
Quick way to look for a word ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Start by going to the beginning, middle or end of the dictionary to locate a word. Example: If you were looking for the word cat, would you find the word in the beginning, middle or end of the dictionary? How about: forget shake opposite
Lets practice locating a word using the guide words. We will locate the word new by locating one letter at a time. If the first letters match, look at the second letters. If the second letters match, look at the third letters, etc. What page number is it on? 141
Now try to find the Secret Words rooster Neat pg 140 Rooster pg 177 Honey pg 104
Let’s try again o n i onion
Assessment Now try some on your own. Hand out Words to look for feel Newspaper dentist reach
pronunciation (a way of speaking a word). A dictionary uses symbols to indicate the sounds of the letters in a word. Review a dictionary pronunciation key with students. Have students identify short- and long-vowel sounds. http://www.wordcentral.com/
syllable (part of a spoken word). A dictionary generally uses dots between the syllables of a word. Have students practice clapping the number of syllables in various words.
synonym (one of two or more words that have highly similar meanings). A dictionary may list synonyms for a word. Have students practice giving synonyms for words (e.g., little/small, rock/stone, funny/silly).
antonym (a word that is the opposite of another word). A dictionary may list an antonym for a word. Have students practice giving antonyms for words (e.g., happy/sad, short/tall, dark/light).
part of speech (how a word is used in a sentence). A dictionary generally indicates what part of speech a word is, depending upon how it is used in a sentence. Examples include: n. (noun) The word names a person, place, or thing; e.g., child, dog, park. v. (verb) The word expresses an action or state of being; e.g., jump, fall, was. adj. (adjective) The word describes a person, place, or thing; e.g., happy, wet, tiny. adv. (adverb) The word describes an action; e.g., quickly, well, loudly.