UNIT 7, LESSON 1 Finals/Comments Back – What do I well? What could have been better? Goals for the semester Work Packets Introduction to the Muslim World HW: Read Chapter 10, Section 1
JOURNALING – 5 Minutes What knowledge have I gained so far this year? (three big-picture things) What skills have I learned so far this year? What has my learning attitude been like so far this year?
JOURNALING – 5 Minutes How did I learn these things (or fail to)? Why was I successful or unsuccessful at learning? How can I improve my learning attitude this trimester?
THE MUSLIM WORLD – UNIT 7 Thoughts?? Images??
UNIT 7, LESSON 2 Do Now Lecture – “The Muslim World” Note Check & Summary HW: Guided Reading Worksheet, Section 1
LECTURE (that means take notes) The Rise of Islam Deserts, Towns, & Trade Routes – up to 600 AD The Arabian Peninsula – intersection of what 3 continents? Mostly desert, inhabited by nomadic Arabs Areas with fertile soil and enough water support large towns and markets? What happens at a market??
The Rise of Islam Mecca Caravans stopped here, in western Arabia, for trade and for the worship of many gods Mixed religions Some people practiced monotheism (Christians and Jews)
The Rise of Islam The Prophet Muhammad Born to a powerful Meccan family Trader and business manager Revelations At age 40, he heard an angel Told him the he was the last of the prophets… That there was only one god (Allah) That he should start preaching Meccans don’t like this – why?? Islam – “submission to the will of Allah” Muslim – “one who has submitted”
The Rise of Islam The Prophet Muhammad The Hijrah Muhammad retreats to the city of Medina In Medina he became a political and religious leader Built a military force Return to Mecca In 630, Muhammad brought his troops to Mecca and the city surrendered He destroyed the idols in the Ka’aba What are idols and why did he destroy them?? The Arabian Peninsula is united under Islam
The Rise of Islam Beliefs and Practices The Five Pillars Faith Prayer Alms Fasting Pilgrimage (the hajj) Other practices No pork, no alcohol, communal worship on Fridays, direct worship of Allah.
The Rise of Islam Sources of Authority The Qur’an Only Arabic versions are true The Sunna Taking Muhammad’s life as an example of how to live The Shari’a Laws to regulate family life, morals, and community
The Rise of Islam NOW: Note check Summarize the most important information in your own words at the bottom with at least two sentences.
UNIT 7, LESSON 3 Do Now HW Review Free Write HW: Reteaching Activity Worksheet – Section 1
Do Now 1. Why was Mecca an important city in western Arabia? 2. What are the Five Pillars of Islam? 3. Why did Muslims consider Christians and Jews “people of the book”?
Free Write Explain the three sources of authority for Muslims. Where does each come from? Which would you find the most important?
UNIT 7, LESSON 4 Do Now HW Review Lecture – Islam Expands Note Check & Summary HW: Binder check, Guided Reading Worksheet – Section 2
Do Now
Lecture – Islam Expands
Islam Expands NOW: Note check Summarize the most important information in your own words at the bottom with at least two sentences.
UNIT 7, LESSON 5 Binder Check Do Now HW Review Independent Work: Reteaching Activity, Section 2 Main Ideas Questions HW: Study for quiz (focus on Main Ideas questions 3-5)
BINDER CHECK Check plus – your binder has four sections (class notes, handouts, homework, old quizzes & tests), and has these three things: UNIT 5 WORK PACKET, NOTES FROM YESTERDAY & QUIZ 4.2 Check – your binder doesn’t have sections, but has everything required Check minus – your binder is disorganized and you can’t find what you need Zero – you have no binder
Do Now Define these terms: Mesoamerica Olmec Zapotec Monte Alban
MAIN IDEAS Why did Olmec civilization collapse? What was the role of trade in Olmec civilization? What were some important Zapotec contributions to later cultures?
UNIT 7, LESSON 6 Take Quiz (25 Minutes) History through Art (quiz each other) HW: Catch-Up, Honors Packet Work
UNIT 7, LESSON 7 Do Now Lecture – “Early Civilization of the Andes” Note Check HW: Quiz Corrections (if under a 90%) Must be on a separate sheet of paper, stapled to old quiz
Do Now Why might a society take and display the heads of enemies?
Lecture – Early Civilizations of the Andes While civilizations thrive in Mesoamerica, they independently develop in South America The Andes
Early Civilizations of the Andes The Andes Second highest mountain range in the world Peru Harsh place for civilization Steep, rocky, icy, poor soil, overland travel is difficult Between the mountains and the ocean is a plain Mostly desert, but rivers create valleys with fertile land
Early Civilizations of the Andes The Chavin Period Chavin – a culture that thrived in the mountains of Peru from BC No evidence of political or economic organization Primarily a religious connection between villages “Mother culture” in South America What does this mean? Who is it similar to?
Early Civilizations of the Andes Other Andean Civilizations The Nazca Civilization Southern coast of Peru – 200 BC to 600 AD Develop huge irrigation systems, including underground canals Beautiful textiles and pottery Images of animals and mythological beings Nazca Lines
Early Civilizations of the Andes Nazca Lines Why?
Early Civilizations of the Andes The Moche Culture The northern coast of Peru from 100 AD to 700 AD Used irrigation to water crops Corn, beans, potatoes, squash, and peanuts Uncovered tombs reveal extreme wealth Gold, silver, precious stones – jewelry Pottery depicts scenes from everyday life Battles, women at work, musicians, doctors healing patients, etc. What happened to them?? – unknown Americas, despite the many different cultures, remain a “patchwork” during this era
Early Civilizations of the Andes Moche Pottery
Early Civilizations of the Andes QUESTIONS: 1. How was the environment of the Andes different from that of Mesoamerica? 2. How did archaeologists figure out so much about the Moche without using written language? 3. Who are the … Chavin? Nazca? Moche?
UNIT 7, LESSON 8 Do Now Individual Work: Building Vocabulary Worksheet Classwork: Main Ideas Questions p. 249 HW: Guided Reading Worksheet, Section 3
Do Now Define: Chavin Nazca Moche
Main Ideas Questions 3. Why was Peru a difficult place for a civilization to develop? 4. How was the Chavin culture like the Olmec culture? 5. How did the Nazca deal with their dry environment?
UNIT 7, LESSON 9 HW Review Group Work: “Distinguishing Fact from Opinion” Wksht Individual Work: Reteaching Worksheet, Section 3 HW: Study for quiz on Section 3
UNIT 7, LESSON 10 Take Quiz (25 Minutes) Work on “Patterns of Human Settlement” Worksheet (finish for HW)
UNIT 7, LESSON 11 Do Now – Binder Check HW Review Classtime – Catch-Up Day Work Packets (test grade) and Honors Packets are due next day of class If finished, Word Search for Extra Credit HW: Quiz Corrections (if under a 90%) Must be on a separate sheet of paper, stapled to old quiz
BINDER CHECK Check plus – your binder has four sections (class notes, handouts, homework, old quizzes & tests), and has these three things: UNIT 5 WORK PACKET, QUIZ 5.1, QUIZ 5.2, LECTURE NOTES Check – your binder doesn’t have sections, but has everything required Check minus – your binder is disorganized and you can’t find what you need Zero – you have no binder
UNIT 7, LESSON 12 Collect all HW Watch movie Fill out “What? So What? Worksheet” HW: Finish worksheet, make-up all owed HW.