Interaction Architecture for EITC W. T. Cox Version 4
2 Zoom in on Interoperation Recursive pairwise relationship Participant implements aggregator interface to distribute events to its own participants Compose appropriate security, reliability, and interaction model as appropriate for each interoperation link Names are not set; intended to be more evocative than Gale Horst’s Virtual End Node and Resource Energy Controller (VEN and REC) but the concept is the same. Aggregator- Operator Participant- Operator DREvents Signals and responses
3 Abstract to Concrete(1) ISO Aggregator Store HQ Store Location Store Location Store Equipment
4 Abstract to Concrete(2) ISO Aggregator Industrial Microgrid Industrial Microgrid Industrial Facility Industrial Facility Process Control
5 DR Event Services The direction shown is from initiator to service. Response or ACKs not shown NOTE: OpenADR names assume an intermediary, the DRAS, where information is stored Aggregator- Operator Participant- Operator Determination of nature and details of DR Event InitiateDrEvent ModifyDrEvent GetDrEventInformation CancelDrEvent SetDrEventFeedback… CreateResponseSchedule… SubmitDrStandingBid… GetAggregatorDrEventStatus…
Changes in This Version Internal-only services have been deleted –From D1 –DrEvent services kept See Spreadsheet Tab D3 Total 25 services so far –5 invoked by Aggregator on Participant –21 invoked by Participant on Aggregator 6
Aggregator on Participant 5 invoked by Aggregator on Participant –Initiate, Modify, Adjust, CancelDrEvent, GetDrEventInformation –Explicit, not implicit, reliability signals –Which invocations send price/product? –Naming needs work—not all are DR Some will be price Some will be (e.g.) usage/load information (2 way) 7
Participant on Aggregator 21 invoked by Participant on Aggregator –2 Event Feedback –3 Response Schedule –5 DR Bid Services –2 Status Services –1 DR Program Services –2 Participant Management Services –3 Program Constraints Services –3 OptOut State Services 8
Next Steps (1) Names that are more indicative of content Detailed message content Application ACK and Reliable Messaging Consider using WS-Addressing, WS- Context Delivery of other messages via EI? –Text messages as in some designs? 9
Next Steps (2) Factor into type of communication/interoperation –DR (reliability signal-related) –Price+Product Def communication –Other Communications, e.g. Load (History, Present, Future) Usage (History Present, Future) Details on each service family –Location of information –Operations 10
Previous Slides Not changed in this version 11
12 A Slice Through the Notification Tree Aggregator- Operator DREvent Participant- Operator Participant- Operator Participant- Operator Participant- Operator Participant- Operator Participant- Operator Participant- Operator Participant- Operator Participant- Operator Participant- Operator Participant- Operator Participant- Operator ISOAggregAgg Client Industrial PkTenant
13 Protection and Reliability Aggregator- Operator DREvent Participant- Operator Participant- Operator Participant- Operator Participant- Operator Participant- Operator Participant- Operator Participant- Operator Participant- Operator Participant- Operator Participant- Operator Participant- Operator Participant- Operator ISO Aggregator Aggretator Client Industrial Park Tenant More ProtectedLess Protected Fewer Per LayerMore Per Layer More ReliableLess Reliable
14 ISO Issues and Requirements (1) ISO issues with varying security and reliability/confirmation of delivery requirements Application to non-California markets and interactions Factor out tariffs/contracts –Notification of reliability events is key to ISOs –Distribution is also key to ISOs Price communication is relatively unimportant to some ISOs –Price quote/closing price stream is important and done today (with no standard format/delivery mechanism) –EMIX as the price quote stream
15 Requirements & Conclusions Factor out tariffs/contracts Price communication must be in the spec Price communication is not only via the spec –EMIX as price quote stream, various transports Need requirements in citable format for detailed analysis –IRC, NAESB, EIS Alliance
16 Participant/Real Estate Notes Real estate managers and landlords want a way to distribute events to tenants and/or separate owned properties Price distribution appears to be a requirement –Needs discussion/analysis –Part of signaling is simplest, allow for other delivery Consistency of approach allows application to recursive ownership and notification –Developer/REIT owns 100 office parks. Each office park gets signal, distributes to tenants. –Tenants or office park manager can distribute to ESIs at all levels
17 MicroGrid Notes Each ParticipantOperator is a MicroGrid control access point (associated with MicroGrid ESI) Fit nested or unions of MicroGrids into the picture on slide 3 Notification to MicroGrid-contained participants has differing security/reliabilty requirements
18 Summary of Application of EI Signal notification paths have varying requirements Must be able to apply/compose additional configured solutions –Compose WS-Reliable Messaging –Compose WS-Security components –Compose other needed technologies (undetermined) Factor –Price Signals (with multiple delivery paths) –Reliability Signals (single secure and reliable path) –Environmental Signals (similar to Price) All need individual links to have specific characteristics –Non-repudiation, privacy, confirmed/signed source –Reliability, app-level or transport-level ACK –Probably the same at each level (for each Aggregator-Operator instance)