What does biodiversity mean? takes all kinds to make a WORLD BIOdiversity What does biodiversity mean?
What does biodiversity mean? What is biodiversity? bio=life diversity=variety Biodiversity=variety of life
Which has more biodiversity?
Earth´s rich variety of life makes our world unique in the universe
Scientists have identified more than 2 million species. Tens of thousands remain unknown
There are three kinds of biodiversity: 1.Diversity of genes 2.Variety in species 3.Variety of ecosystems
1.DIVERSITY OF GENES: The Galician blond,the islandic cow and the Dutch Friesian are all cows,but they are all different!
2.VARIETY IN SPECIES: scientists have identified more than 2 million species. Gorillas,sardines and people are all different species.
You are not alone! Humans are only one of the 2 million identified species Where are you on this biodiverse planet? Humans are only one of 2 million identified species You are not alone!
3. VARIETY OF ECOSYSTEMS.:Earth has many kinds of ecosystems and every ecosystem has unique species. Dunes (Traba) River (Baio) Sea (Touriñan) Forest (O Courel)
Clothes,shoes,paper,pencils… BEAUTY What does biodiversity give us? Air to breathe Food to eat .Clean water Medicine Clothes,shoes,paper,pencils… BEAUTY
Today ,many species are becoming extinct at top speed What is happening to biodiversity? Today ,many species are becoming extinct at top speed
EXTINCTION: when all members of a species have died 3 species become extinct every hour every day More than 20,000 species become extinct every year Quagga,South Africa. Extinct 1883 Capercaillie,Galicia. Extinct 2005 Dodo ,island of Mauritius Extinct 7th century
Habitat destruction Polllution Population growth Over-consumption THREATS TO DIVERSITY Habitat destruction Introduced species Polllution Population growth Over-consumption GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE
endangered species map
We´ve got the whole world in our shopping bag! Match the biodiversity ingredient with the products Willow tree paper Olive tree aspirine Cacao beans olive oil Seaweed milk Eucaliptus chocolate cake Wheat vanilla icecream Cow bread
You depend on biodiversity and biodiversity depends on you! What can we do to help biodiversity?
We can: Protect habitats Save our forests Buy organic food Reduce Reuse Recycle
Biodiversity is life.Biodiversity is our life Save Our Species