Podcasting: iPod+broadcasting Illustrations: Meng, Peter (2005). Podcasting & Vodcasting: A white paper. Retrieved on Sept 5,
What is Podcasting? The process of capturing an audio or video event, song, speech, video or mix of these media and then posting that digital object to a Web site Using specialized podcast receiver/aggregator (software) like Juice, iTunes, users can subscribe to a Web page with audio or video files (*.mp3 or *.mp4) and automatically download these files directly to the computer. When a user synchronizes their portable device with their computers the podcasts are automatically transferred to that device (MP3 or MP4)
Why such term Podcasting? Automated media distribution –Using Internet connections, we can pull via computers contents automatically –Software using RSS (Real Simple Syndication) standard, an XML (extensible markup language) formatted file Popularity of Apple iPod, the icon of mobile media –Walk away contents
Podcasting in Hong Kong 香港 podcast 目錄 – 5/05/podcast.htmlhttp://pigazine.blogspot.com/200 5/05/podcast.html 使用 iTunes 來接收 podcast – 5/06/itunes-podcast_29.htmlhttp://pigazine.blogspot.com/200 5/06/itunes-podcast_29.html 香港電台 Podcast Corner –
iTunes Demo
What is Vodcasting? VOD = video on demand Also called vlogging Same as Podcasting but with video as media –For iTunes, Podcasting includes Vodcasting Usually played on PC, notebooks or PMA (personal media assistant/ mpeg4 player) Cost is expensive
Pedagogical Implications Audio recordings of textbook or lectures would allow students to review texts or class lectures while travelling Students could record and post project audio and video interviews or discussions which could be automatically downloaded to teachers’ MP3 player or PMA for review, especially for language lessons Oral/video reports recorded challenge the “chalk & talk” model of teaching ? Do we need to keep students in class? Can all our students afford to own a MP3 or MP4 device (compare to PDA or notebook computers) … many others with your creativity
Podcast in Education Exploiting the educational potential of podcastingExploiting the educational potential of podcasting Podcast directory for educators, schools and colleges – –A blog about education technology Podcasting Delivers Content On- Demand – e/ /podcasting.htmlhttp://iatservices.missouri.edu/techknowledg e/ /podcasting.html
香港學校的校園電視 Campus TV in Hong Kong Schools
崇真小學暨幼稚園 Tsung Tsin Primary School and Kindergarten 借助傳媒文化,發揮教育功能,藉著讓學生 參與製作過程,了解傳媒資訊的影響力和背 後隱藏的價值取向。 培養學生獨立批判性思考,檢討和分析能力, 同時啟發學生創意思維 培養學生選擇及善用傳媒發表己見,表達自 己對事物的評價和觀點 訓練同學說話技巧及語文能力,表達及溝通 能力 運用設施操練兩文三語,提高學習興趣,加 強自信心
為甚麼不開發成為 校園 Podcasting ?