Phylum Arthropoda Subphylum Uniramia
Taxonomy Myriapods- Class Chilopoda (centipedes) and Class Diplopoda (millipedes).Myriapods- Class Chilopoda (centipedes) and Class Diplopoda (millipedes). –Two body regions- head and trunk. –Pair of legs on every segment. Class Insecta (Insects)Class Insecta (Insects) –Three body regions- head, thorax, and abdomen. –Three pair of walking legs.
General Characteristics One pair of antennae.One pair of antennae. Respiration is through tubes called tracheae.Respiration is through tubes called tracheae. All appendages are uniramous.All appendages are uniramous. Mostly terrestrial or aerial- some aquatic forms.Mostly terrestrial or aerial- some aquatic forms. Chitinous exoskeleton with waxy cuticle.Chitinous exoskeleton with waxy cuticle.
Class Chilopoda Predatory.Predatory. Centipedes possess maxillipeds complete with poison fangs to subdue prey.Centipedes possess maxillipeds complete with poison fangs to subdue prey.
Class Diplopoda Herbivorous.Herbivorous. Diplosegments- double trunk segments with two pair of legs. These probably were derived from single segments that fused in pairs.Diplosegments- double trunk segments with two pair of legs. These probably were derived from single segments that fused in pairs.
Class Insecta Insects are the most diverse class of animals with ~1 million named species.Insects are the most diverse class of animals with ~1 million named species. Three body regions- head, thorax, and abdomen.Three body regions- head, thorax, and abdomen. Three pair of walking legs on thorax.Three pair of walking legs on thorax.
Excretion of NitrogenousWaste.
Stick Insect
Beneficial Insects
Honeybee infested with Varroa
Insect Pests