London’s Global University
Our Students UCL is committed to educating the most promising and able students 12,000 undergraduates 7,500 graduates From over 140 countries
Excellence in Engineering Research and Teaching Research-led teaching 8 EPSRC funded Centres for Doctoral Training (~80 Doctoral students per year for next 5 years; each being 4 years duration). Twice as many as any other UK university. 3 rd amongst UK Universities in the total number of world leading academics (RAE 2008) £150 million in active research grants with EPSRC Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)
Engineering Science 8 Departments –Biochemical Engineering –Chemical Engineering –Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Enginneering –Computer Science –Electronic and Electrical Engineering –Management Science and Innovation –Mechanical Engineering –Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering
Engineering Science Some of our centres –UCLIC (UCL Interaction Centre: Human-Computer Interaction) –CSML (Computational Statistics and Machine Learning) –Adastral Park: (Telecommunications) –Centre for Medical Image Computing –Jill Dando Institute for Crime Science International venture –SERAus (School of Energy and Resources) Adelaide, Government of South Australia
Engineering Science ~ Academic staff Student population –~ 1400 undergraduates –~ 400 masters –~ 350 research students Total income ~£55M per annum –research income ~£19M p.a. –other income ~£3M p.a. 7 m Spotlight-mode synthetic aperture sonar image at 262 m range, 0.05 m resolution
Engineering Research Themes Digital Infrastructure and Services required by society; Physical Infrastructure and Services (e.g. water, transportation, materials); Manufacturing processes that are key to our economy and well-being; The exploitation and application of Engineering knowledge as a commodity (e.g. the knowledge economy, design); Security and Terrorism; Healthcare Engineering; The Living Environment; Management of Technology and Innovation
Biomedicine Biomedical Research –Great Ormond Street –UCL Hospital –Middlesex –Royal Free –National Orthopaedic Hospital –Ludwig Institute –Wolfson Institute for Biomedical Research –CRUK (formerly ICRF) –NIMR
Research, Education, Training and Enterprise at University College London