Rhyme Scheme By: Marcus Morrison 10 th grade English
ABAB Classical often used rhyme scheme Rhyming lines 1 and 3. Rhyming lines 2 and 4 “Fire trucks are red Sneakers are blue I`ll be ahead And so should you”
XAXA A little looser and less predictable than others Allows more freedom Rhyming lines 2 and 4. Not lines 1 and 3. “Someone told what had happen I saw a flare I don’t know if it was bad But do you care.”
AABB This scheme divides a section of four lines into two rhymed couplets Rhyming lines 1 and 2. Rhyming lines 3 and 4. “Everyone knows who is coming to town But not everyone knows who is wearing the crown Everything is as simple as day So what do you say”
AXXA The two middle lines are unpredictable The two middle lines usually rhyme any line in the stanza Keeps audience on suspense Rhyme lines 1 and 4. Not rhyming 2 and 3. “A lot of people have that one dream But not what they seek We don’t know what they want We don’t know what it seems.”
ABBA A rhymed pair sandwiched inside of another rhyme pair. Rhyming lines 1 and 4. Rhyming lines 2 and 3. “Life isn`t what it may seem others Choices are made from each That is what preacher`s preach Also, be good to your brothers.”
AAAA Varying line length will make it less predictable To relieve monotony try making some lines shorter than others All lines rhyme “Some may like a cat Wearing a fancy hat Others may like a rat Holding a bat.”
AXAA Line 2 is let alone Rhyming lines 1, 3, and 4. Not rhyming line 2. “Your eyes can only see what is there But can others too Others do not care They do not stare.”
Quiz Time What kind of rhyme scheme is used in the following stanza? “Roses are red Violets are blue You have a brain So use your head” A. AXAA B.ABAB C.XAXA
SORRY, TRY AGAIN AXAA doesn’t have that rhyme scheme. AXAA has rhyme scheme this one. “Diamonds are cool It is such a hot day So let`s jump in the pool Don`t be a fool”
Correct. Good Job ABAB is the correct answer.
NOPE. WRONG ANSWER XAXA doesn’t have that rhyme scheme it has one like this. “Dogs like bark Cats like to meow Cows moo Boom zoom pow”
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